Caribou Gear Tarp

Cow elk - crazy?


New member
Aug 7, 2011
Hey guys...

I'm headed to WY near Saratoga in October for my 2nd antelope hunt. Anyway...I'm itching to shoot an elk so bad I can't stand it and noticed there are some leftover cow tags.

We will have 6-7 days to hunt. Is it crazy to think of picking up a cow tag and trying to fill the freezer after done with the antelope?

P.s. I'm in good shape and have been training (running,biking, hiking with 25# in pack etc).
not at all, hunted near there (elk 12) last year with a deer tag. could of shot several elk including a nice 5x5 if i would of only had a tag. the cow tag was full price and i refuse to pay $550 for a cow tag! the elk were not far at all from lope as some of the lopes were up near treeline. it was cool watching a nice lope buck chasing does in the hills, i had never seen it before. i will add it will probably be a long time before i go back there! i did figure it out and shot a great buck but i got tired of the jungle thick timber from the bettle kill, and then the locals who dont follow the atv usage rules. if your going to elk 12 you can shot me a PM if you want little more info for there.

No offense, but 550 bucks gets you an elk. Nothing missing but the headgear. Maybe that's worth 500 plus? mtmuley
I may be crazy also but I am driving 1400 miles for cow elk and doe antelope.horns do not mean much to me. got plenty of them on the wall now.
not offended at all, i just think Wyoming takes it to non-residents and it aint fair. between how residents get tags, the no-wilderness issue and the variable tag pricing i just get upset with them. i love hunting in the state but i just don't agree with there pricing policy. its up to you and in your situation and dates aligned right i probably would do same and i drive much further than you. i don't like the fact that Wyoming charges half price in some areas and full in others, that's why they are leftover every year. hell they even charge different fees in same zones based on public land or private, just aint right. last year i had 2 antelope buck tags 2 doe tags and a muley tag, meat wasn't a issue (and still had elk in freezer) my hunting partner had 4 tags. we came home with 8 of 9 tags filled and couldn't of loaded anything else into truck so we didn't shot last lope to me it just aint right the way they charge for those tags and that's my way to protest even if the tag will sell out regardless it will not be with my money. i would rather drive into Idaho and hunt on a more flexible either sex OTC tag for a little less money about $550 (tag/lic). The Wyoming tag is $591, RP is $302, so if tag was FP you would be better off buying 2 RP cow tags in a different zone if meat is what your after. please do let me discourage you from the cow tag because in the end the hunt is all that matters and if that's what you want to do you need to get that tag!

UPDATE: just checked this year 12 is a RP tag this year so do it!
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I've killed bulls and cows. They both felt the same to me, and both filled the freezer.

I don't hunt to stroke my ego, and show off. I hunt to enjoy the hunt, and feed me and my dog. My dog loves cow meat. Almost as much as me.
I may be crazy also but I am driving 1400 miles for cow elk and doe antelope.horns do not mean much to me. got plenty of them on the wall now.

Exactly. The hunt is the same and antlers taste like crap! Nothing better than cow elk, doe white-tailed deer, and doe antelope. It does not take years to draw a permit, either.
I am enjoying Trophy Cow now with a freezer full! Last 2 yrs elk hunts have been a blast,both cows.

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