Sitka Pre Season Savings

Corporal Tyler's Rebellion Biscuits (by Pawclaws)


Mr. Foreman

This is for Washington Outdoor Chick. A biscuit I invented for a true biscuit lover. Man, these are out of sight! Just the thing for butter and jelly while they are hot. Too soft for gravy and too good for grits and eggs!

Corporal Tyler's Rebellion Biscuits (by Pawclaws)

1 and 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup (more or less) buttermilk
6 Tablespoons margarine
3 Tablespoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Combine all dry ingredients and sift together or blend well with a whisk. Add the margarine in 1 Tablespoon portions and cut it into the dry ingredients until the mix resembles a course meal. Add one cup of buttermilk and combine with a fork. Add as much buttermilk as required to develop a rather wet dough that is "sloppy" but will hold shape when formed into a ball. Using margarine grease and flour the bottom and sides of your baking pan and preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Wet your hands with cold water and take enough batter to make a large (about four inch) biscuit and form it into a ball. Gently shape it until it is about an inch high and place it in the pan. Clean your hands and wet them again. Repeat the process for the remaining batter allowing the edges of the biscuits to touch. There should be enough batter for between six and eight large biscuits. Bake until the tops are golden brown or about 18 to 20 minutes. These are light and fluffy with a great flavor amenable to butter and jam. Try them and give me some feedback PLEASE. BY THE WAY, I'M PUTTING A NEW RECIPE ON MY WEBSITE EVERY FRIDAY MORNING! :D
:feed back:

gave me the shits.
