
52 hours to go. Read a CNN report the US is considering a complete shut down of China flights in or out. Now that would put a serious crimp in my work schedule. Nothing I can do anyway at this point. Just hope my flight is a go.
52 hours to go. Read a CNN report the US is considering a complete shut down of China flights in or out. Now that would put a serious crimp in my work schedule. Nothing I can do anyway at this point. Just hope my flight is a go.
Overreacting, or do they know something we don't? The numbers dont seem to warrant shutting down flights.
Not somewhere I personally would want to visit. Especially with this going around... I don't want to go visit somewhere where people wear masks due to all the air pollution.
Not to be a dickhead but why would you even want to go there now.
That would be like wanting to go to Sierra Leone during the Ebola outbreak.

If you believe the Chinese media it’s only killed 170 as of the last count I’ve seen, but they seem rather worried about it considering they’ve Quarantined 13 City’s and 50+ million people.
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