Cooking grouse


New member
Aug 13, 2002
Houston, TX
I hear alot of people shooting grouse for their meals.
How do you cook it back at camp? Quickest and best tasting?
I take out all of the meat and cook it on a stick peice by peice..
Grouse actually has a very good flavor all on it's own..
My favorite way to cook them is what I call Sawthooth Chicken. This is done in a dutch oven.
I use a 10" oven and the breasts off of 5 birds(boneless) cut into bite size pieces
1- First I put several bricketts under the stove and fry the breasts in the oven using olive oil (don't over cook) dont drain oven.

2- Add two cans of cream of mushroom soup
3- 1, 8-ounce tub of sour cream
4- 1 small can of mushrooms
5- 3- cups of white rice
6- 2.5 soup cans full of milk.
Add everything in to the oven and stir well
Put 6 bricketts on the bottom and 14 on top.
After 30 minutes take 2 bricketts off the top and let the coals burn out. Remember to turn the lid every 20 minutes.
Don't lift the lid to look!
The top will be golden brown and the rest will melt in your mouth.
Also you can use the cream of mushroom that has Garlic if you like. I think it is the best.
This will feed about 6 adults and a couple of kids.
Crayo, long time no see, How's it going ?

Just wanted to say HI
I have never DCooked a grouse myself, I have ate it in Chili before though. I know that Breasting birst like that Are quick and Easy, I'd say Add some spices and a bit of fire, When you're camping, It's ALL good !!!!
Caryo, here's the way I cook grouse, when in camp (and either I or my buds kill a few). This is for four, half breasts.

1. Fillet the breasts off the bones.
2. Put some flour, salt and pepper, and a 1/4 Teaspoon Powdered Thyme, in a paper sack, or on a plate, whatever.
3. Dredge breasts in flour mixture and coat lightly.
4. Heat 1/4 cup good Olive Oil in a cast iron skillet. When pretty hot, put two tablespoons butter in the oil. Let melt and then put in the breasts.
5. Watch your heat. Don't burn the grouse, but cook rather quickly. (I just eyeball it, but I've been doing it a long tome.)
6. When done, take breasts out and set aside.
Drain off most oil, but leave the fond. Then throw in some finely chopped onions, about 1/2 cup, a minced clove or two of garlic, and soften.
7. Deglaze with good red wine.
8. Put breasts back in, heat for awhile, then plate up. Pour the "gravy" over the breasts.

Good eats!

10 or 12" deep skillet; whole birds skinless though, brown in a butter, oil, spice mixture after browned on all sides add cream of mushroom soup until birds are half covered cover and cook until done. I use a dome lid on skillet but not necessary if skillet is deep enough.
Take 3-4 grouse breast place them in caned baked beans of your choice. Salt and pepper to taste, hot sauce- other spices of your likeing. Depending of the amount of heat 30min to 1hr.

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