Construction industry


New member
Dec 5, 2006
Question for all of you that live out west. I am a superintendent for a company that is one of the top 15 companys in the nation. Problem is I want to move out west somewhere (not California). Lookin for somewhere in Idaho,Montana,Wyoming. So anybody with any advice?
Just out of curiosity what company do you work for ? Commercial or residential ?

The Stronger markets that we have been seeing out west over the last few years have really slowed down , Las vegas, Phoenix, Tucson just name a few.
Seems like the builders raised the prices so fast and to a ridiculous amount, they flooded the market with spec homes and all the investors are trying to dump all there houses right now. We are forcasting the market picking up this spring once the inventory of specs and investor propertys dwindle. Also heard the feds will be lowering the interest rate come Febuary.

As for as commercial that markey seems to be still going pretty steady. Just thaught I would give you some info of current situations in Arizona and nevada markets. I don't about the northern states market right now such as Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Good Luck
Well, if you're in the construction business you have to go where the people are, so you might consider Washington. No lack of work here for construction workers, but I'd say it is slowing down just slightly from what it was. Of course since we have a relatively high population, the hunting here isn't as good as some other states, but there are still lots of opportunities.And it's a short drive to Idaho and Montana.
Wyoming would be my first bet. With the energy boom happening there, there is a huge shortage of houses AND workers. There was a special on the nightly news a few weeks ago about it. People living in trailer houses and appartments for over a year when thier house was supposed to be built in 4-6 months.
Thanks guys, and by the way I'm in the commercial end of it schools,hospitals,prisons.
You could start a company here and make plenty. We need a ton of workers here for the construction stuff. Being a part time carpenter in Gillette its crazy. New houses everywhere and we are still short by several thousand units. My house jumped up 15,000 in just six months because of the demand. If you came here and built in the 130,000 to 175,000 dollar range you would be set for five years. As far as commercial stuff goes i don't know what is out there, but the economy is booming.
i wish the boom never came....

bambistew is right, its crazy here right now. Everyone needs help. There isn't any housing. The KOA campground is full and has been the last few years. Traffic is 10x worse. resturants are packed all the time. You also have tex-asses driving 80 mph when the roads are icy. Lots of tex-asses, utards, and okla-homo's up here.

We built a 400 person mancamp, and am getting ready to build another 400 person one. These are just "temporary" but still ran into the millions of dollars just to set one up.

I wouldn't recommend coming here to start a business because you are going to have a hard time finding QUALITY help. Your best bet is to go to work for a company that is already established here.

I liked wyoming before the boom. Its not the same place anymore.

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