Close calls and I'm a idiot


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Vipe and TE went out this morning at the area I had been seeing good deer.

Well here is the story they told me.

They were just about to get up and leave when TE saw a forkhorn(2x2) and was trying to tell Mom. Well Mom was not looking at the forkie. She was looking at the 8 pointer with drop tines that was 40 yards away. The forkie was 20 yards away by this time. Well TE had a clear shot sort of at the forkie but could not see the other buck. Vipe said she was afraid to shoot the forkie since there was grass in her way. She had hoped the drop tine buck would move up just a bit and then she would have shot it.
TE's shot at the forkhorn was not to be because he would have had to shoot over Mom.

They did great in my book. :cool:

Well 2 years ago I missed a doe at 10 yards on the second day of archery.

Today the second day of archery at the same exact spot(well within 50 yards) I chose to shoot the BIG doe at 30 yards instead of the medium size doe at 15 yards. Yep I missed again. |oo :mad: |oo :BLEEP: :BLEEP:
2 years ago it was my compound bow.
Tonight I used my xbow since the oldest son borrowed my bow. I watched the bolt go over the doe through the scope.

I had spent all my time practicing with my compound. :rolleyes:

I am not using the xbow again until I recheck the scope.
I would have rather missed that buck i spined, so don't feel too bad. thats hunting.
Well it is still early in hunitng season I"m sure you'll get another chance at the does and TE and Vipe will get another chance at the bucks they saw.
Quick Draw
Here is a pic of where I messed up. There are 3 deer in the pic. I was trying to get to the treeline to set up but they were already in the clover field. Iwaited til they left and got close in the grass. I believed they bedded down in the treeline and was right. They came back out about a hour and half later.They worked down the line and I had the shot chance.

Caribou Gear

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