CDOW just called...


Dec 23, 2000
...and wanted to know if I still want to hunt mountain goat in CO this year.:rolleyes: Seems that a tag was turned in and I was first runner-up on the list. Of course, the season starts in 9 days and I leave for my AK goat hunt in 18 days. I've never set foot in the unit, so would be starting from scratch. Told them I would call back tomorrow....:confused::(
Up side...I just got my Lowa Sheephunters back from being converted to "Goathunters!" :D
I am off next week for my Pops Moffat elk and Wyoming Lope then the week of Sept 29th for Montana, not sure the boss would allow.

If you can sweet talk my boss, I'll go with you.
Yeah, I knew you were elk hunting next week. I need someone to carry my fat ass up the mountain. Might take a couple of sherpas.
I retract my vote due to further information:D

I am all about the suffering................ when there is a good chance of a reward. But I am biased on that unit.

Assuming you can swing time off from work, I don't see how you have a choice. Go!

Goats are easy to spot and are consistently found in the same places. If the F&G biologist, and/or prior hunters can give you some clues, you can be in and out with a fine billy in a few days.
Would you lose your points or lose your chance for later draws? If not and you can swing the time off I say give it a whirl!

PS- I'm real interested in knowing how the 'Goathunters' work for you! I've seriously thought about having that done.
Would you lose your points or lose your chance for later draws? If not and you can swing the time off I say give it a whirl!

I would lose my points if I took the tag. I'm thinking I will pass. I'm going to talk to the local bio in the morning just to make sure it's not a cakewalk hunt, but I'm fairly certain it is not. I have an excellent chance of drawing a tag in the next couple of years, so it's not a very big risk to turn it down.
I would pass on it. It sure would be tempting though...

How many years have you been putting in for goats in CO?
That's a tough one. Those Colorado Mtn. Goat tags are getting a lot harder to draw then they use to. Have fun in Alaska and be safe on those chunks of ice.
Dang Tery decisions-decisions...but at least the chance to make them.
Your "goathunter" were standard wear for me (diff brand though) when I cruised timber over the PNW...great for the wet stuff but don't bust yer azzzz on the rocks...those things can make you feel like Nancy Kerrigan ........ whyyyyy me, whyyyyyyyyyy! :)
I think you did the right thing. Half the fun of a big hunt like that is the 4 months of anticipation before hand. 9 days robs you of that.

You will draw soon enough.

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