Camping in the little belts.


New member
May 1, 2017
I have hopefully did my home work and plan on taking my sons on there first western hunt. I would like to camp in the north Eastern part of the Little Belt Mountains around the tenderfoot creek area but on a July drive in the area there didn't look like many established spots just off the road. I don't want to camp near were others are hunting if able but any info would be helpful. We are NR and I have hunted and camped in the western states before and will be archery hunting the 1st week in Sept. and will be tenting it.
Thanks for any advise

Just to confirm I'm just looking for advise where to camp in the area
Rifle or archery? Honestly I would just find a spot to camp near the area you want to hunt and not worry about others. Lots of dispersed camps in the Little Belts and trying to plan around all of them would be a futile endeavor.
Since a big chunk of that drainage was bought by the FS its over-run,between the outfitters,previous outfitter clients,private land owners and the locals you are going to be hard pressed to find and area that isnt being hunted.I know a guy that has trail cams on wallows in the drainage right now.As far as camping your just going to have to pull off one of the wide spots in the road a couple miles further up into the FS or travel quite a ways to find an actual camp ground. The good news is that it has sucked a bunch of people away from primo spots just a little further up the road.

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