NEW SITKA Ambient 75

camping and target shoot?..........


New member
Feb 16, 2004
Boise, Idaho
I was thinking we ought to get a camping trip and set some targets up and do some archery shoot'n. Not sure where it would be o.k. but surely plenty spots up on middle fork huh? just throwing some ideas out so ppl can meet and greet have a little fun.
Have fun, there are plenty of people in Boise and surounds on this board, you should have a few takeres....
I don't know how much actual shooting I would do(don't own a bow), but I would be up for a campout.
This weekend is Out, I'm painting and Catching up from about 6 straight weekends gone.

Next weekend I'm Camping and Boating in Cascade with some people.

The following weekend is DHI's party, some Parade and work on Sunday.

The following weekend is Camping but we don't have a Definate place yet. We might go to Crouch to our 2 Acres. Places to Shoot and such there....

That is about my last open Weekend. But we can talk at the DHI's BBQ for sure !!
Sounds good to me, that would be kool around crouch area. I did plenty of scouting up there last year and took young buck up that way. Cascade either for that matter mid-fork was just idea. We'll talk more at BBQ.
I was Jsut informed July 23rd is our Aniversary... Someone remind me when the time gets closer :D :D We're going up to Crouch for the Starlight Outdoor Mountain Theater. Hot dog I'm Excited (Insert Puking Greamlin ;) ) But I'll be back mid morning for the BBQ :D
Moosie busted again.

Dude you need to pick up a PDA. Put all of those important dates in there and they pop up to remind you before you get popped for forgetting.
I have a Palm PDA..... I just haven't used it in 9 months ;) About time for me to Hot Sync it again I guess, I always Update the 'Puter end of it with dates and Meeting stuff to rememind me at the office.... :D
can send you awesome free program that has pop up reminder you set for computer, pretty spiffy got me ought of cpl could be jams lol. can send it to you next time you IM me, really small file size.
A magic marker on you truck dash board would probably be more appropriate for writing important dates such as the wifes BD and your Anniversary on.... ;) :D

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