NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Californication of Coeur d'Alene

CDA was “californiacated” long ago my friend. I’m saying this as a CA resident that has family living in Hayden (also from CA). They moved there a while back hoping to escape the madness, but have instead transported themselves to California 40 years ago. I feel bad for the folks that have lived there for generations.
As for the forests... don’t manage them like we do. As a firefighter in the state I spend the year squirting water on smoldering trees that should’ve been used for building homes.
Given the pending legislative bills in MT, you might be throwing stones from a glass house.
Laughed when I read that article in the paper yesterday. "Tall piles of trees are stacked everywhere" My question was has she never seen a logging operation before? Of course I'm fourth generation living on the family farm which just happens to be the oldest registered tree farm in Idaho.
Californians are invading my home state too. I hope we are getting the more conservative bunch of their crop but if colorado is any example I doubt it.
They're like locusts. Swarm in. Destroy everything and wonder what happened. Then move on to the next small area and start all over again.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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