C.Rice for Pres. in '08

Could you imagine Coni vs. Hillary? Wow what a contest! :eek: Talk about the black vote swaying to the republican side! And debates? :eek: Condi would annialate(sp)her!
I have been saying that she would make a great contender ever since I watched them try and get her last year...
I think she would make a great President, especially since now she is jumping into this new job, she should be pretty well rounded when 08 comes around.... :)
Condoleeza Rice. Nation Security Advisor and up for Secretary of State last time I paid any attention.

Oh look found a pic.

If it was either of the women mentioned neither would get my vote. Not because they are women. Just because they are politicians beholden to a national party who doesnt give a rat's ass about my hunting rights and my children's future.
John, the black vote still wouldn't swing to teh Republicans. From what I have seen/heard/experienced, the majority of the black vote (the 80%-90% that votes the Demokratik ticket) considers her, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, JC Watts, etc. as sell outs. It is funny how the black people that have really done something with their life isn't talked about in a good way, and looked up to. Instead, that part of the group idolizes Al Sharpton, Randy Moss, etc.
Yea Tim...
That is funny...
The very same people that take welfare and every other 'handout', are calling these others sellouts and Uncle Toms .... ;)