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Brushers Buck "2000"


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho


I got the scores and a partial story. BUT Brusher can fill it in if he wants
Hey Brusher, you forgot to take th price tag off his left antler before you took the pictures. ;)

That is a dandy buck Brusher. How about filling us all in with the story behind that big boy.
In 1999, while elk hunting I spotted this buck bedded in some cliffs. I had hunted this area for 8 years, but never hiked down to those cliffs, but decided that is where I would be opening morning the next year. Opening day 2000, I was just above the cliffs at daylight, and was spotted by a 2 and 3 point, so I just sat down where I was. Not a minute later this guy came out of a draw and headed for the cliff. I got a broadside 300 yard shot, I usually don't take that long of a shot, but the way he was going that was the closest I was going to get, so when he stopped I shot. He ran around the hill, and I cussed myself for missing. I went around the cliffs to check the trail, and there he was. He had went down just out of site. I was very glad I was taught to check for blood after any shot, otherwise he would have wasted on the hillside. He hasn't been scored officially yet, but a freind of mine thats into scoring scored him at 186 gross, 170 some odd net. counting the eyeguards he has 9 scorable points on one side, and 5 on the other.