Bro's Wasatch Bull

Great bull!

My father had that tag last year, certainly not a gimmie. Between lots of people and hordes of domestic sheep I felt elk were hard to find. Certainly was not a hunt I felt warranted 19 years of applying for.
Hunting areas change from year to year, much less decade to decade.
The prolonged drought of recent years has been a big game changer. I'm very happy you were able to stick with it and find success.
That's a fine bull for the unit.
This year my brother finally drew a much anticipated Wasatch early rifle bull tag after 18 years of waiting. We grew up hunting the Wasatch and he has been dreaming of hunting a mature bull there for a long time. Years ago I moved down South and we starting hunting some other states, so we had not hunted the Wasatch since 2012. After he drew the tag my brother and I made a couple summer trips up to get reacquainted with the areas we used to hunt. One thing is for sure, there is way more traffic on the Wasatch than I ever remember and it seemed tougher to find elk than it used to be. We did find a few groups of elk in the summer and we believed we would find elk fairly easy come September. Well, we went up two day before the hunt to find again a lot of traffic and not many bulls. We went to our old haunts expecting to find elk, but we found people and no elk. We kept pushing and expanding our hunting area to new areas and starting turning up some bulls. We got to learn some new areas and found a bull my brother was happy to take. Overall we were satisfied with the hunt and even though we did not find elk where we did in the past we still found multiple bulls in a few days of scouting and hunting.
So I got lucky and drew the Wasatch archery elk tag and Wasatch east deer tag. I have hunted the south slope vernal/yellowstone the last 3 years and have come to know that area very well. I have never been to the Wasatch unit and have no clue where to start. I have about 12 trail cams i am going to put out memorial weekend and hike my butt off to learn the land. Having to take then down July 31st will hamper my fully learning the area. Any input on where to start in the unit would be greatly appreciated. Elk takes priority over deer. I can share info on the south slope unit, or I go fishing in Alaska every year in early August and can trade halibut or salmon. I still have some from last year or can give out this year's when I go. I'm willing to put in the work and energy just need a general starting direction. Thanks.
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