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Breasting ducks


Dec 4, 2003
Tumwater, Washington
There is another message board that I read sometimes. There is a guy on there that calls people poachers if they breast out a duck and throw away the rest. He told a story of a guy he considered to be his mentor who he turned-in to wildlife agents because of breasting out ducks.

That message board is very strict with what they let people talk about...........they locked the damn thread because people were arguing. Can you imagine if a thread was locked on here because of a little arguing? :)

What do you guys say about breasting out ducks? Do you see anything wrong with it?
Curly said:
There is another message board that I read sometimes.

:eek: Please say it isn't so! :confused:

As far as only using the breast of a duck, I never really liked duck anyway. I like to take the breast and feed it to my dog. :D

There's really not enough meat to worry about anywhere else. That guy on that other message board sounds like he needs to find a good shrink.
Well to be honest, not using the the legs and wings is considered waste of a game species, it says so right in most states regulations. But turning someone in and calling them a poacher for only using the breast? Thats assinine. Shooting duck and simply leaving them entirely, thats a different matter. The guy who turned someone in for only using the breast of a duck is simply a fargin icehole.
I think breasting a duck is adequate. Unfortunatly the state of Montana disagrees with me on enything larger than a teal.:confused:

Do you have a link to the thread, I am interested in giving it a read.
I don't know about that, but it worked for ducks that were feeding in the farmers field that had been spraying the cow *hit all over his field.
Duck and goose legs are pretty tough to eat. Yes, technically it is a waste of game to not take them, but there sure isn't much there when you take out the bone and the tendons. You know its also illegal to not take the meat between the ribs on a deer also.

Seems to me that if NOT taking the legs from ducks is the worst wildlife crime being committed than things are pretty o.k.!
Ethical Hunter said:
For example, my fathers life long hunting buddy taught me volumes on waterfowling. He showed me how to pluck my first duck and how to recover as much of the harvested flesh as possible - thighs, wings, back, gizzard, neck, heart. Years and dozens of hunts past, always showing the utmost respect to the game we harvested by plucking and using all the flesh for human consumption. Years later my fathers hunting buddy started a very successful waterfowling guide service. After attending my first "guided" hunting trip with him he showed me a new quick way to clean waterfowl - breast and throw the rest away. This is when the same individual who showed me how to pluck and use the whole bird. I pointed out the waste to him but his excuse was - no time. I suggested that we take the legs and wings and smoke them just like he showed me how to do when I was a kid. His reply was, "I have more breast meat than I can deal with now, I'm not going to waste my time cleaning wings and thighs". That was his rationalization, "I just dont have the time". In my mind this man who was my waterfowling mentor redefined himself as a for profit criminal. I called wildlife enforcement that day, all he got was a warning off the record. I never hunted with him again.

The above is a quote from the guy on the other board. The thread over there is fairly long and his posts are on the second page, so I thought I'd just quote part of what he said right here so you don't have to wade through all of the posts to get to his. BTW- one reason why I like this site is that we can actually discuss some issues without getting threads locked all the time. That other site locks threads all the time just for people disagreeing on something. |oo
If he doesnt like breasting ducks I imagine he would have a heart attack if he saw someone using the gutless method of cleaning big game. IMHO the breast and thighs are the only part worth eating on most gamebirds, the rest tends to be sinewy and tough.
Here is a solution to the problem, if you think it is a problem, or if you just don't like the taste of duck. Find a Chinese restaurant in your area. (ducks and geese are a delicacy to the Chinese and they utilize the ENTIRE bird.) Approach the owners or managers on trading your ducks and geese for their Chinese food. You don't even have to clean them, they'll take care of it. Curly you are right, cooking them in orange juice makes a wonderful meal. Now don't misunderstand me, I eat everything I harvest. The only reason I know this is because I had some Chinese Restaurants that were my clients, they knew I hunted waterfowl and they were always begging me to bring them ducks and geese to eat. At first I offered the fowl as gifts because they were my clients, but they told me that if I brought them more they would trade Chinese food for ducks and geese. I no longer have them as clients but occassionally I will trade them some of my ducks and geese for their Chinese food.
my states law says its wanton waste if you leave a usable or edible portion in the field, and they strictly enforce it.But if you take the whole thing home and use what you want and dispose of the rest properly its accepted.I usually breast most my ducks and geese but this last weekend I did debone and run through the grinder the meat from some pheasant and turkey thighes and legs.I added some ground pork for moisture and it didn't taste to bad.
maybe I'll try something simular for ducks and geese.

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