Big horn sheep info


New member
Sep 7, 2016
I drew a Idaho Big Horn Sheep tag in Unit 17. I would like any info on previous kill sites, drainages, sitings etc. Any info would be appreciated.
IDFG should be able to provide you with previous kill dates and drainages, call the clearwater region office.
I dont think theyve taken very many rams out of there so the info available may be a little scarce. Lots of big country and not a ton of sheep. Id take advantage of the season lengthening and get out there before they leave their summer range on the border. But its a long ways in no matter where the sheep are at.

Definitely call the biologist and try to get some help.

Best of luck to you. Keep us all posted on how you do.
If I was you, I would shorten your intro a little bit so that it looks more like this:

I drew a tag. I would like any info on previous kill sites, drainages, sitings etc.

That will probably get a little more response. Then I would take that and go paste it on as many forums as I could, just to make sure people knew I was committed and willing to put in the work.
Finally, I wouldn't follow up with ANY pictures or updates on the hunt. People don't really want to see that crap anyway. These forums are strictly for getting info on previous kill sites, drainages, sitings etc....

Good luck on your hunt. As previously mentioned, I would talk to the biologist(s) in the area.
I thought the sheep hunt in 18 was dependent on sheep migrating from Montana.
I believe youre right, Bryan. It has always been presented as a late hunt and I think '15 was the first year it opened 8/30. They didnt kill one in that season but I think the idea was give the tagholder more time to maybe get lucky and find them in either the summer ground or where they migrate to.

Kind of a scary unit in my opinion. Ive never had the huevos to apply there. I sometimes write it down as a second choice just to feel like Im living on the edge!
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