BHA public lands report

Excellent. I would love to hear how Ted Cruz, Rob Bishop, Ken Ivory, Jennifer Fielder or any other transfer goon could argue against any of this.
Very well written. This should be front page on every newspaper in America. it would be nice to see this incorporating other public land users as well such as hikers, bikers, etc. maybe even the environmental side. If we lost our public land to private interests our bighorns, mountain goats, sage grouse, wolves, Grizzlies will likely suffer some serious consequences.
Very well written. This should be front page on every newspaper in America. it would be nice to see this incorporating other public land users as well such as hikers, bikers, etc. maybe even the environmental side. If we lost our public land to private interests our bighorns, mountain goats, sage grouse, wolves, Grizzlies will likely suffer some serious consequences.

yep, its definitely focused on hunters and anglers, but certainly applies to a lot of other users
Great write-up. I like the Bernard DeVoto quote. He had it nailed down even back in 1947.

“the ultimate objective is to liquidate all public ownership of grazing and forest land in the United States… the plan is to get rid of public lands altogether, turning them over to the states, which can be coerced as the federal government cannot be, and eventually into private ownership.”
Great write-up. I like the Bernard DeVoto quote. He had it nailed down even back in 1947.

“the ultimate objective is to liquidate all public ownership of grazing and forest land in the United States… the plan is to get rid of public lands altogether, turning them over to the states, which can be coerced as the federal government cannot be, and eventually into private ownership.”

I too liked what ole Bernard had to say... could have been a quote from yesterday!

What is that saying? History repeats itself? ;)