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Best energy drink for long drive ahead

5-hour energy does it for me. But like others have said. Pull over and take a quick rest, walk around, then down the 5-hour energy and keep on trucking.
No matter what you choose, slam it, have a nap and when you wake up you will be ready to roll! I've usually relied on coffee, however, in my old job being on call a lot I would just drink water on the road, and I was constantly eating something ( carrot sticks, celery, cucumbers) anything to keep me moving and focused. It really doesn't matter what you are drinking you just have to keep your body from calming down. If you feel like everything is coming up on you really fast and you are jumpy, just take a quick nap. It isn't worth your life or the life of others on the road.
"Spark" from advocare.....smooth energy lift. Whomever said nicotine is a moron, btw.
Sparks come out my a$$ if I have an energy drink. too wired. i chew on life savers. My dentist isn't happy abt it but I stay awake
12 pack of mountain dew and a case of black & milds.

Or try some green tea and low cal snacks to keep you occupied along with a fun playlist.
Your no 1 piece of long distance driving advise:

don't eat

A big monster (green) and a bag of jalapeno chips will get you to 12hr easy. And Five Finger Death Punch streaming thru the speakers doesn't hurt :hump:
Good podcasts have always helped for myself, Randy's podcast, and another one that I didn't see mentioned was the gritty bowmen I really enjoy that one as well. Sunflower seeds and throwback Mountain Dew do it as well
We've got a guy at work that used too drink several Red Bulls a day. They've linked his liver or kidney( I can't remember which one)problems to them. I think I'll pass.
I drive a lot for my real job and what works for me is ice water and podcasts. I usually stop after about 4 hours if nothing else to just get out of the truck and stand up to stretch. You'd be surprised what a 30 second stretch can do.
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