


Gettin ready to do up some Grilled BBQ Horseradish Salmon. Got the recipe from Czonka's north to Alaska site. Its a real knock out. Esp as I just dug out some horseradish root; nothin like grindin fresh horseradish to clear the sinuses and the room. WHOOEE DOGGIE!!!!!:D
Man that sounds good! I used to make my own horesradish also.. Would drive them all out of the house in tears! I feel your pain;):D Might have to look that recipe up.
Ridge[] I'll save you the trouble
1 4-6 fillets depending on size
2tblsp horseradish
1 medium onion chopped 3 tblsp Balsamic Vinegar
2 tblsp olive oil extra virgin
1 tea fresh chopped rosemary
1clove garlic chopped
1/4 tea salt 1/8 tea fresh ground black pepper
Put everything BUT FILLETS in a blender/food processor and puree
Place each fillet on a piece of alum foil lightly coated with olive oil. cover fillets with horseradish mixture. bring up and fold edges of foil leaving a small opening for steam to escape. Put packets on grill for 6-10minutes longer for thick fillets like king salmon till done.