bama got her first deer tonight!!!!!!


New member
Sep 15, 2006
boise idaho
so i was out in "the woods" with hubby and the kids just "lookin around" since him and kylee our 9 year old were out all day scouting. so we come around a bend and see 3 doe's. he kept driving and let me out. i hiked up into some trees to wait while he and the kids went back around them. i waited for a while when they came running full out. i just sat and waited. they stopped and looked around for a bit about 100 yards away. so i waited some more. and some more and some more. they moved out of view so i thought they were gone. i saw someone driving up the road so i was going to go back down and meet them. i took one step and saw 2 of the doe's walking right at me about 50 yards away. so i stoped and waited. they got 25 yards from me and stopped. i drew and dumped the string. i knew i hit one. so i watched. she ran about 30 yards stopped and looked at me and then fell over. i double lung'd her completely through hump hump hump (hubby was worried i wouldnt be able to do that because i am only pulling 45 lbs.):rolleyes: so i started calling for him on the radio. he found me and i began to track. ok so not really track ha ha i saw her fall. but there was a ton of blood so even if she ran further it would have been easy to track her. he was soooo excited. not more than i was but hey it was my first deer!:D this was the first ever time i had drawn my bow at an animal and it was perfect. so anyways thats my story.


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Congrats thats awesome to take your first deer with a bow. Thanks for the story and pics.
Somebody HELP!!!! I have not stopped hearing about how she killed a deer before me ( I have missed 3 times :eek: :eek: :eek: ) since last nite about 8:00!! Oh well, WAY TO GO BABY!!!!! hump hump
just wanted to say thanks to everyone who responded to my post. i hope this is the first of many i get to share with you guys. hubby and i got the deer all cut up and wrapped last night at home and of course had tenderloin for dinner. i have to say it was the best deer i have ever tastes better when you have the kill story to go with it.