Background checks on ammo purchases.

I find it ironic that the same group of people who advocates for workers rights, raising the minimum wage, employee benefits, and work hours supports a group of people entering the Country illegally and exploiting the very workplace culture and laws that they created. I find it even more ironic that the left continues to convince The majority of the race of people with the highest unemployment rate in the country to support them, while they advocate for another group of people who are breaking the law to come and take up a bunch of jobs. Education is one thing , but you want to reduce gun crimes in America, open up a bunch of trade schools in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit,etc. teach these inner city kids how to do these trades that Americans supposedly won’t do. If a guy from El Salvador can walk across the desert, find a job, make s life for himself, and have enough money left over to send home, why can’t a guy from Baltimore?
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My opinion to take care of a lot of the illegal immigration is to make work visas much easier to get. Instead of deporting millions of people, which would cost a fortune and be a total nightmare, offer work visas if you have a clean record. Deport people who don't comply or have a criminal record. Then you have people paying taxes, employers no longer have a labor pool to exploit, and you have drastically reduced the people that need to be tracked down and exported. It is also a total nightmare to become a citizen here, I don't know how many of you have any experience with this but my wife's boss is from Sweden, owns a small business, has been married to a guy from Montana and has several children here, she was threatened with deportation about two years ago over a mistake in some paperwork somewhere along the line. I didn't think this was even possible. My cousin also married a guy from Africa, it took him 4 years of marriage and two kids, and his own small business to become a citizen. No wonder they remain illegal, it is much easier to do so.
Like with almost all problems in this country, everyone is so divided that there is only black and white, no grey in the middle. Republicans want to export them all, democrats want to leave it be I guess. Can't we meet in the middle with something like i described? Doubtful, everybody hates each other so much it will be the demise of this country if we can't get over ourselves and work together.
I try to stay down the middle which makes getting my news next to impossible.

I agree with many of the posters in this thread from both sides, these issues are very complex.

I do think that the NRA and some of its supporters have brought some of this climate on themselves being unwilling to consider any changes to our laws. Making background checks more thorough and connecting the national database is a logical first step. I have no problem waiting a couple of days for a guy, I don't know why this would be a big deal. This will get me some heat, but why not a concealed carry type permit for "assault" weapons (I know the term is bullshit). I would have no problem jumping through an extra hoop for one, I have nothing to hide. Or a tax stamp, though that would suck like having a suppressor. I don't see these as infringing upon my rights I guess. It won't stop the hardened criminals but this would help I think, the old argument that a criminal doesn't care if his gun is legal or not still applies.
I also think people should be held responsible if their firearms are not secured properly and are used for a crime by a third party. This would prevent a lot of kids getting accidentally shot in homes and criminals stealing weapons might go down. I lock my guns in a safe, I would hold the parents of the kids my girls are friends with to the same standards. Yes, all kids should be taught gun safety, but holding people accountable for their guns I think needs to be there. If somebody steals your gun that was sitting in the corner and kills someone, you should be held partially responsible. If some kid is playing with your guns when you are not around and shoots a kid on your house, you should be held partially responsible. If you sell somebody a gun on the street and they go kill someone you should be held partially responsible. I don't see gun registration as a big deal IF we are willing to concede on a few things, refusing to do anything leads to the anti-gun folks to go straight to bans.
Like I said before we need to learn to compromise a little again because at our current rate we are spiraling toward collapse.
I do think that the NRA and some of its supporters have brought some of this climate on themselves being unwilling to consider any changes to our laws.

I find it odd that almost instantly every news media outlet out there was pushing the same narrative against the NRA. It was almost as if it was scripted, same talking points no matter where you looked. I am no conspiracy nut, but somewhere deep down inside there is a part of me that wonders, is this about children and shootings, or is this about votes in 2018. Immediately the media went after the NRA and its connection to Republicans. For the record I despise republicans just as much as I do Democrats.. This is just my own objective observation.
My opinion to take care of a lot of the illegal immigration is to make work visas much easier to get. Instead of deporting millions of people, which would cost a fortune and be a total nightmare, offer work visas if you have a clean record.
The interesting portion related to this, we already have work visas for agriculture available for non immigrants. H2A Visas. We do not offer visas for construction workers as this removes opportunities for US Citizens from employment opportunities. There are select visas available for employment that are hard to fill... TN Visas cover a large variety of hard to fill positions that are found necessary for our country to function, for lack of better words..
I find it odd that almost instantly every news media outlet out there was pushing the same narrative against the NRA. It was almost as if it was scripted, same talking points no matter where you looked. I am no conspiracy nut, but somewhere deep down inside there is a part of me that wonders, is this about children and shootings, or is this about votes in 2018. Immediately the media went after the NRA and its connection to Republicans. For the record I despise republicans just as much as I do Democrats.. This is just my own objective observation.

I fully agree, especially on hating both parties.
The interesting portion related to this, we already have work visas for agriculture available for non immigrants. H2A Visas. We do not offer visas for construction workers as this removes opportunities for US Citizens from employment opportunities. There are select visas available for employment that are hard to fill... TN Visas cover a large variety of hard to fill positions that are found necessary for our country to function, for lack of better words..

I know there are construction visas available, we had a lot of guys on visas working for us and we were 100% by the books being one of the largest construction companies in the USA. We were heavy civil, maybe that's why? All I'm saying let's give them an easy option up front to get legal then resort to deportation.
I know there are construction visas available, we had a lot of guys on visas working for us and we were 100% by the books being one of the largest construction companies in the USA. We were heavy civil, maybe that's why? All I'm saying let's give them an easy option up front to get legal then resort to deportation.

This is directly in my field of work. The base construction - as discussed here related to on site paving, roofing, framing - no such visa exists. Now, engineering, certain aspects of this are covered under the TN (Trade Nafta) Visa. However these are required to hold at a minimum of bachelors in the specific field. There are L Visas for, example, a Canadian company with plants in the US. however they must be paid via Canadian $'s and remain the employee of the Canadian base Co. and not the US plant location and are limited to the duties outside the actual hands on work as again, this removes US Citizen opportunities.
There are E Visa's though this is the investor and ownership of companies in the US so they may operate within and hire US employees. They are not permitted to hire Canadians or others for the positions within their company.
Actually, here is a list of Visas and their availability to non immigrant workers.

As for a last resort, I disagree. If it removes the opportunity for a US Citizen from gainful employment, I do not believe such a visa should be gifted to a foreigner - however, this is the internet and I certainly respect your opinion. Cheers.
This is directly in my field of work. The base construction - as discussed here related to on site paving, roofing, framing - no such visa exists. Now, engineering, certain aspects of this are covered under the TN (Trade Nafta) Visa. However these are required to hold at a minimum of bachelors in the specific field. There are L Visas for, example, a Canadian company with plants in the US. however they must be paid via Canadian $'s and remain the employee of the Canadian base Co. and not the US plant location and are limited to the duties outside the actual hands on work as again, this removes US Citizen opportunities.
There are E Visa's though this is the investor and ownership of companies in the US so they may operate within and hire US employees. They are not permitted to hire Canadians or others for the positions within their company.
Actually, here is a list of Visas and their availability to non immigrant workers.

As for a last resort, I disagree. If it removes the opportunity for a US Citizen from gainful employment, I do not believe such a visa should be gifted to a foreigner - however, this is the internet and I certainly respect your opinion. Cheers.

Interesting, I guess it was like 12 years ago for me, have the laws changed since then? Hopefully those guys I know are still working, those guys were the best labor I ever had.
Caribou Gear

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