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ATV Pros Is Open!!


If ATV's don't ruin hunting, then why are State Fish and Game agencies BANNING them for use by hunters???? hump



weapon..., "How can you honestly sit there and tell me I am part of the problem. You do not know me whatsoever."

Easy. You're part of the problem. You're promoting ATV use. And, since you're so clueless about the effect you're having on hunting, even the responsible riders are ruining hunting for the rest of us. It's easy to see you have no understanding of the problems created by ATV's.

Here's an example. ATVs give more access to public lands, even when they are being used by responsible riders who are using them legally. The game has less places to escape from hunters now, so game animals migrate more to private land where there is less pressure. Outfitters are willing to pay more $ to lease those private lands because those private lands are more desirable places to hunt now with less pressure and noise, etc from ATV riders (even the "responsible" ones). More private lands get leased and there's less access to them for hunters who used to be able to get permission to hunt them.

And game is pushed out of the National Forests and BLM by ATV riding hunters who now have more access to areas they never used to walk into because those areas were too far.

You are clueless about the problems caused by ATVs and , thus, you are part of the problem.
Ok I am not disputing the fact that reckless and irresponsible riding is ruining hunting as well as damaging our natural landscape.

But I do have a question and challege for you.


Are you against nature groups hosting hikes and whatnot?
Calif. Hunter said:
This is an endless argument that no one can "win," since neither side will adjust its position, and no one is going to change anyone else's mind about it.

i dont know about that cali, give this guy some time here and he may shut down his site and join the dark side.
The funny thing is that this thread now has 2x more posts than his entire forum, in less time. He should be grateful for the attention we have given his website....
JoseCuervo said:
The funny thing is that this thread now has 2x more posts than his entire forum, in less time. He should be grateful for the attention we have given his website....


Whats funny is that somehow you find that to be an educated insult.
alright guys lets look at it this way, why is the Government trying to take our gun rights away, Cause of the assholes that use them the wrong way same goes for ATVs, if you want to have an ATV, use it resposable, or lose it if you are found doing anything bad my .02
got2hunt said:
alright guys lets look at it this way, why is the Government trying to take our gun rights away, Cause of the assholes that use them the wrong way same goes for ATVs, if you want to have an ATV, use it resposable, or lose it if you are found doing anything bad my .02

I could not agree more.
"IF" ATV`s are ruining hunting/outdoors etc. Then why do the forest service/blm/and most game and fish dept. have HUGE fleets of them? hump :)
weapon..., "Are you against nature groups hosting hikes and whatnot?" No, especially whatnot.

I visited your site. Looks nice. You could have a forum section to promote ethical riding, but it would be dead as hell.
Here is my two cents. The ATV hunters have pretty well ruined the western hunting experience on a good bit of public land, where I had been hunting in northeast Wyoming for the past 20 years.

Used to be, you'd drive your truck back in to the end of the forest service road, then hoof it in a mile or two and have pretty much undisturbed country to yourself. Now, you do the same, sit down in the pre-dawn darkness, waiting to spot game at first light, then hear the whine of an ATV coming up the trail, making a racket and shining his headlight all around the country.

That dude will drive right past your truck, another mile or two in, with no consideration for others and no respect for the land. He'll park his ATV on a hilltop, sit for maybe half an hour, then buzz on down the trail screwing up the next guys hunting. Illegal or not, somebody else drove an ATV in there at one time or another, so he sees a trail, and thinks it allright for him too.

Then at mid day, when the hunting action slows, the ATV's become a play toy to ride all over the country, stirring up dust, making a racket and generally anoying those who are out there to enjoy the solitude, peace and quiet.

I'd love to see ATV's made totally illegal on public ground, period. If you've got to get off the road, do it on your feet and burn some boot leather. I'm sure mother nature and all the big game would be glad to see them go away too.

I blame the big name hunting dudes and hunting shows for a good bit of this nonsense. Heck, they promote ATV's like they are an essential piece of hunting equipment, near equal to a rifle. |oo
"Are you against nature groups hosting hikes and whatnot?" No, especially whatnot. :confused:

Ithaca, you've done too much whatnot! My mum says doing too much of that will make you go blind. :D :D :D
Jose, where are those last two pictures of trails you posted from? They look alot like an area I know.

Steiny, I couldn't agree more that they market ATV's as though they are a absolutely required hunting tool and that everyone needs/has one.

As someone who owns a dirt bike and rides ATV's quite often the illegal use of them is terrible and should never be tolerated. One of the problems I see is that agencies don't have the funding/ability to be out actively enforcing regulations thus people are able to get away with breaking the law. I'd love to see a ban on them between Sept 1 and sometime in the spring on public ground just so people weren't buzzing around hunting off them. I will say a four wheeler makes game retrevial pretty darn nice, but taking them off road should never be done. Every year it seems I have more ATV/road issues and every year I tell myself next year I'm going to find an area without roads, guess I better start buying my backpacking gear now and head for the Frank Church.
TheTone said:
Jose, where are those last two pictures of trails you posted from? They look alot like an area I know.

Steiny, I couldn't agree more that they market ATV's as though they are a absolutely required hunting tool and that everyone needs/has one.

As someone who owns a dirt bike and rides ATV's quite often the illegal use of them is terrible and should never be tolerated. One of the problems I see is that agencies don't have the funding/ability to be out actively enforcing regulations thus people are able to get away with breaking the law. I'd love to see a ban on them between Sept 1 and sometime in the spring on public ground just so people weren't buzzing around hunting off them. I will say a four wheeler makes game retrevial pretty darn nice, but taking them off road should never be done. Every year it seems I have more ATV/road issues and every year I tell myself next year I'm going to find an area without roads, guess I better start buying my backpacking gear now and head for the Frank Church.

You may have misunderstood me, I was not referring to hunting from them...I know individuals who use them to get to their location (ie stands)

I am confused with this statement

TheTone said:
I will say a four wheeler makes game retrevial pretty darn nice, but taking them off road should never be done.

Taking ATV's off-road should never be done, isn't that their intended purpose?

As far as where I ride, there is no hunting unless you are hunting lizards in the sand (not a whole lot of hunting in the Sand Dunes)...I also trail ride, however, the locations where we have visited were not places hunting is allowed.
Taking them off road is not there purpose at all, but I think most riders think that if they can take it somewhere (road or no road) then they will. Looks at Polaris TV commercials, show them going up, down, and across streams, up rocky hillsides and never really see any sort of a trail; just cross country riding. If you saw that commercial and then went and bought one wouldn't you be inclined to think you could take it anywhere? Again I have no real problem with ATV's I ride them alot, but there needs to be some serious enforcement of when and where they should be ridden.

I think this video will kind of illustrate my point. Its basically a Polaris ad (not to say its just a Polaris issue), In the one stream crossing you can clearly see a bridge, but instead he bounces through the stream, and there are very little actual trails/roads in any of the riding scenes. To me its irresponsible advertising.
TheTone said:
Taking them off road is not there purpose at all, but I think most riders think that if they can take it somewhere (road or no road) then they will. Looks at Polaris TV commercials, show them going up, down, and across streams, up rocky hillsides and never really see any sort of a trail; just cross country riding. If you saw that commercial and then went and bought one wouldn't you be inclined to think you could take it anywhere? Again I have no real problem with ATV's I ride them alot, but there needs to be some serious enforcement of when and where they should be ridden.

I think this video will kind of illustrate my point. Its basically a Polaris ad (not to say its just a Polaris issue), In the one stream crossing you can clearly see a bridge, but instead he bounces through the stream, and there are very little actual trails/roads in any of the riding scenes. To me its irresponsible advertising.

I think I understand what you are saying, however, the part about not taking them off-road does not quite make sense...their purpose is even in their name All Terrain Vehicle. If you were going to drive them on the pavement, why not just get a car or truck.

As far as enforcement, you are very much correct, there are correct and incorrect places to ride. As as long as we have individuals who enjoy tearing up the earth, we will still have these types of debates.

When I get home I will take a look at the video :)
TheTone said:
Jose, where are those last two pictures of trails you posted from? They look alot like an area I know.
The last two are from Any Creek down in the Owyhees. If you spent time on the Nature Conspiracy's Ranch down there, you likely saw the same on your drive in and out.

The Owyhees are far too fragile for ATV's and are far to abused by the fat-assed ATV riders. They have essentially ruined hunting down there for the past 20 years, since the invention of the ATV. Used to be some big bucks out of that area, now it is covered by fat-assed ATV riders shooting 2 pointers as soon as they see them. Last year on this site, there was some lady bragging how she was lobbing shots a 1/4 of a mile and finally whacked some forkie that they didn't even want the meat from. It is pretty sad what the fat-assed ATV riders do down in the Owyhees.
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