PEAX Equipment



New member
Mar 26, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona
Ok...It's Sunday May 19th. I'll be there at 6:30 am (more or less) hehe!

I just faxed Westy a map and he said he can scan and e-mail it to those who are attending the fishing expedition at our pond.

So, let us know if you're in! We'll be there ALL day, so come and go as you please. All are invited and families are welcome too.
Scott.... Thanks.. what are we going to do for a BBQ? I could bring a grill if ya need more.... we could all chip in for steaks or hambburgers and hotdogs as well..... where are we going to get the potato's? LMAO

Great! Me and Okie have a night tourney one the 18th? I think. I think I can talk him into some bbq and fishing! :D My email addy is above, but here it is anyway. [email protected] Tightlines Bros

There's a big grill on site. Just need coolers for refreshments and food! I'll supply potatoes...hehe!

bring whatever you want...we can all bring something, like a Pot Luck...
Thanks P-Dub for ostracizing me from your little shin-dig . . . ONCE AGAIN!!! I hope you all catch a ton of fish and think kindly of me while I am stuck in this office in the middle of trial. :rolleyes:
Count me in also.
I can bring some buffalo burgers and regular burgers & Buns.
Law Vegas, quit your whinning. You built that life.
By the way, I'll let you catch all the fish in July when I come up there.
We will think about you if you want. OH, I just lost another 5 lb'er, LawVegas made me lose it. How's that for thinking of you?
I'm ROTF now!
All right for you my friend. It is a very good thing that I am not wont to profane or else . . . . Looking forward to seeing you in July. We'll have to bingo, bango, bongo on the fish-catching side. :D
They're right Law, Quit your whining, quit talking and get down here. So what if you get fired, the "lawyer market" is pretty hot right now. Just get down here, otherwise the ice cream is going to melt and all the fish will be gone......

I'll try to leave some in the lake for you, but i can't guarantee anything. :D
Dude, that's harsh! :eek: This trial should only last a week. Then I'll be dragging myself down there for a few days. Better get a ton of ice cream. Grape Ice is my fav. ;)
What was it Shakespear (sp) said?......

That's right, John. He said and what happened to him? I mean, is he still alive? Don't make me call me dear friend, Mr. Gale . . . . ;)

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