PEAX Equipment

Anyone up for a meet and greet?

Dave N

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
Headed back to Alaska this coming Friday. Staying in Palmer through Tuesday then head for Homer on Wednesday. Fly home Saturday night. Renting a car, so we'll be mobile. Meeting some friends Tuesday night for dinner in Talkeetna and fishing Thursday but open for about anything the other days. Met a real nice Hunt Talker and his wife on our last trip. We're looking to retire and move there in the near future and like picking up info on what to expect and tips on hunting, fishing, etc... Always nice to meet up with folks and chat for a while and make new friends. Let me know if you're interested.
Oh well. Looks like we're free to roam again! I'll be taking my laptop and checking in here once in a while during our trip. Always willing to meet folks and shake their hands. Nice putting faces with their handles as well! Somebody turn the nice weather on for us, it's been nice every time we've gone. ALWAYS have been able to see Denali. Can't stay that lucky though, I guess... We'll be there tomorrow!
take plenty of pics Dave. I'd love to get up there and hunt some day! My Mom has been there a couple of times to Denali and loved it, said it was my kind of place. . .full of wildlife!
Will do. This is our third trip. We're scouting out areas for a retirement place!
Met Bambistew yesterday at a local coffee shop and spent the better part of 2 hours chatting about various things. I got a better idea of how the hunting and fishing things work for residents for that day we are able to move here! Pretty sure I'm not going to be putting in the miles he does on a sheep hunt! I'm nowhere NEAR as young or in shape as he is. Got some good tips on real estate and locations, views, things to see, etc... We've been staying busy putting a bunch of miles on the rental car. 2 1/2 days so far, and over 700 miles traveled. Found a couple nice houses, and saw lots of neat sights. Last night drove up alongside a cow moose nursing 2 calves. Heading out on another road trip today. More sightseeing!
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