NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Anyone need their wifes cat taken care of? permanently?


Active member
May 2, 2006
Feline fast food

When you think of fast food, you probably picture a situation where you can enter an establishment, quickly determine what you'd like to eat and dine expeditiously, then go on with your business.

In cat-eat-cat Colorado, Matthew and Deborah Silverman came home to find their pet devoured by a much larger feline.That's pretty much how it played out for a young mountain lion in Boulder, Colo., on Mother's Day.

The immature, 50-pound cougar entered a residence by using a pet door and proceeded to kill and eat the family cat. When the lion was finished with Matthew and Deborah Silverman's 15-year-old kitty, Mungit, it ate the pet's dry cat food for dessert.

When the Silvermans returned home to find the remains of their kitty and a much larger feline resting by a tree in their backyard, they notified authorities.

Following an afternoon-long capture effort, which included at least a dozen individuals from the local police department and the Colorado Division of Wildlife, the cougar finally was sedated and trapped.

Aaron Harber, a neighbor who witnessed the ordeal, blogged about the Mother's Day mountain-lion incident in yesterday's Rocky Mountain News.

"Because the Silverman's backyard opened up into the neighbor's, we had a good view during the three-hour standoff," Harber wrote. "The 12-member team had guns, tasers and a variety of tranquilizers and delivery devices, as well as nets."

Last month a 7-year-old boy was injured by a mountain lion while hiking with his family near Boulder. The cougar was tracked and killed by state wildlife authorities.
Good. Maybe they will get rid of that damn doggy door if they get another cat. Cats should be kept inside all the time anyway.

I heard from some trappers a long time ago that the best bait for cougar is the common house cat. I never really knew for sure if it was true....but apparently cougars really like the taste of cat.
I heard the same thing from some old varmit hunters, just tie a cat up to a tree and get it to meow, varmits will be coming from all directions.

Just have to put one of these on your doorstep. This is how my mother keeps the door to door salesman away.
