Caribou Gear

Anyone have any idea what this is?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
Gods Country, Colorado
New property and haven't had time to go out and inspect it myself, but I took this screen shot from google earth.

Used to be a cattle ranch 15-20 years ago.


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I've seen quartered stock tanks located at pastures corners to serve different pastures but the things sticking out are unfamiliar to me. I wonder if they are some kind of new-fangled solar panels that run the pump?
you can see fence posts coming into it from the NW. but it seams odd. Most water tanks have a cow trail that you can plainly see on google.
I agree that it's a stock tank. Looks like what we in MT call a "bottomless" tank. Basically it is a big ring of steel that is placed on the ground or more often, like in this case, a concrete pad. I'm guessing those 4 other things are smaller tanks fed off the overflow of the larger tank...possibly guzzlers for wildlife.
Looks like stock tank system. Have similar on my place. 3 sides. No above ground feeders either.
But it is odd there are no stock or game trails visible.Must have been fallow along time.I can see historic stock/game trails to my well tank on sat.
Looks like stock tank system. Have similar on my place. 3 sides. No above ground feeders either.
But it is odd there are no stock or game trails visible.Must have been fallow along time.I can see historic stock/game trails to my well tank on sat.

Hank, there have been cattle leased on the property from time to time, but nothing consistent.
The 4 "tanks" to the sides are about waist deep and big enough to fit a large heifer.

Nice to see you over here too.