Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Any early word on Ontario fishing?

What do you plan to do if you can’t go? I’m sure all the popular MN Walleye lakes will be loaded with boats. We went to voyageurs national park every year when I was a child and have thought about going there, but I enjoy Canada because we can go all day without seeing another boat most days. My dad seems to think he might be able to get into Canada since he is a cabin/property owner. I doubt that he will, and it does me no good if I can’t get in.
We have fished all over MN, this was meant to be my son's first fly-in Canadian trip. I too agree that there is something special about the "aloneness" of going further north. If we can't cross the border we will postpone to next summer. We also have a fly-in black bear trip for the last week in August, I am feeling reasonably hopeful (70%) that we can do that. But it will be rescheduled too if it comes to that.
Sioux narrows. We have a family cabin on an island there.
We go to Open Bay Lodge on Lac De Milles Lac. Phenomenal fishing, I usually get my fill of walleyes for the year in one trip.
I have my first Canada trip scheduled for September. But I need to get my passport... I guess we'll see how it all works out later this summer.
I was reading online yesterday that when passports are processed again they may temporarily allow people to enter Canada with ID and birth certificate like you used to be able to do because of the backlog of passports that need to be processed. This was not from a credible source, just talk on Internet forums. I hope the rumors are true though, my passport expires this Summer.
For those offended by Rainer's comments.............well sometimes the truth hurts. The leadership in this country is absolutely pathetic, and that goes for both sides. I could care less about comparing our leadership to other country's, I guess I have higher expectations for us.

To the topic, I just hope that the border being closed doesn't cause more people to just flock to northern Wisconsin and Minnesota and think that is "close enough." Good grief some of our fisheries have too much pressure as it is

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