Anti-grazing activist’s style rubs ranchers wrong way

A letter in today's paper about Marvel:

"I´m disappointed in The Statesman for stooping so low as to reprint the Idaho State Journal´s vendetta against Jon Marvel.

I can understand the Journal resorting to name-calling (“mad scientist,” “intense glare,” “thick spectacles,” “electrically-charged hair,” “kook”), for it will draw applause from its friends in the ranching community, but what is The Statesman´s excuse?

Describing an individual in that manner is thoughtless journalism. Jon Marvel of WWP has for years dedicated himself to saving Idaho´s natural resources and beauty from degradation. The alternative is to continue to trash our public lands, and turn them into cow pastures.

Since you are aware of the successes of the Western Watershed Project, you must know its volunteers have done much for Idaho, against years of antagonistic stonewalling by Idaho´s Land Board. Perhaps you haven´t seen firsthand what damage marauding cattle have done to those lands. If any of you have actually attended a Land Board meeting, as I have, you would know WWP´s leader is outnumbered by antagonists.

Furthermore, getting the cattle off public lands is not a local idea solely. You must know, it is a Western movement to remove cattle from public lands for their betterment."