Caribou Gear

Another reason to avoid yard work

Luckily the pinion gnats are gone for the year and I have never seen many yellow jackets in NM or any biting bugs.
Oh there are the fire ants, and velvet ants and tarantula hawks. Only the 3 worst pain wise. Only been bit by fire ants. Not fun.
Anyone else have allergic reactions to biting flies? One usually doesn’t bother me, but if I get a few they all swell up and itch like crazy. They got me 3 times yesterday while I was cutting some parts of the yard that had been neglected.

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Took a red wasp sting behind the ear last year...nearly passed out from that little bugger...
I've never had a reaction from a fly bite, and I have been stung so many times by yellow jackets, bald face hornets and bumble bees that I have kinda got used to it, but when I get stung by a honeybee, I swell up like the Michelin Man.
My wife got stung by a yellow jacket inside her bikini top during a pool party with friends 2 years ago. She's ripping her top off while I'm trying to wrap her in a towel. Pure chaos! They had a big nest behind a palm tree in our yard. I waited until dark and blasted them with a full can of wasp and hornet spray. Killed dozens of them...along with a large section of our ground cover plants.
am i the only one that thought this was a picture of healed up hand missing a pinky and ring finger before reading?
I need to bring you boys some of those gold colored Japanese Hornets that are about 2'' long, Holy Hell !!! they got a sting to them
I wasn’t on the ground like most of these. I was pruning a tree and my rope bumped the branch a large bald faced hornets nest was on. Almost instantly I got hit 15 times in the face. I was lanyarded in at the time because there was a lot of slack in my rope. I un-clipped my lanyard and jumped. It was a big free fall and swing before my rope caught. I then lowered to the ground as quickly as possible. The pain was indescribable and felt wasted for about 36 hours. Not a fun experience. I now will not be found without 3 full cans of spray on my work trucks.
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