Yeti GOBOX Collection

announcing a future HT star

Thanks for the well wishes and advice everyone! I definitely will NOT be allowing video games and hope to instill a love for the outdoors in my children. We are truly blessed and excited for this adventure! Thanks again everyone.
Congratulations to you!

Remember, much of what your kids learn they do so by watching their parents. Not only should you expect them to be expemplary human beings, you must also model for them how to do so.

I can't think of anything else that is more rewarding than being a parent. God bless your new addition.
Congrats! As others have said, cherish the time you have with your child and never be "too busy" to do things with them when they ask. It's hard for me to believe my oldest just graduated from high school and will be leaving for college in a few months.....time goes by way to fast!
Congratulations to you both! Love the little ones and remind them that Jesus loves them too.
Congrats! You will forever be a changed man. They grow up fast, so savor every single moment and love on them everyday!

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