Yeti GOBOX Collection

Alaska Grizzly

Larry Landgren

New member
Dec 23, 2003
Intell I get a tag again I will keep posting family critter pics LOL

Here is a pic of my dads 9' Alaskan grizzly he shot a few days ago.

AWESOME!! That would definitely be a dream hunt for me!! Congrats to your dad on a great trophy!

kudos to your dad on a nice bear. is that an interior grizzly or a brown bear.i was told that a 9 foot grizzly would be a monster but a 9 foot coastal brown was a respectible bear.
I think different scoring systems have different areas, it could be both, depending on what record books he put it in, in some locations.
when i was there last month this is what i understood. they are basically the same creature.bears near the coast have salmon in there dieat instead of just berries etc. so they grow bigger.alaska says browns are in the units which touch the ocean, sci agrees with alaska but says any bear within 75 miles and boone and crocket says something different again.canada has some grizzlies that feast on salmon but are grizzlies so its really a screwed up situation.anyway its a really nice bear.
Ok here is what I was told
He was hunting on the peninsula by illiamna lake with a guide named brad.

I guess they spent 5 days walking threw the rivers and glassing spots were rivers came together etc. he said that was one hard core brutal hunt with walking threw cold rivers and around steep shit not to mention getting hypothermia on the second day to due his waiters being a bit to short and getting wet.

They were on a ridge glassing across a open meadow when the spotted a bear about a mile away ( first and only bear they saw) and grabbed there packs and started hauling ass to get into position to decide if it was a shooter or not. They got within 200 yards of him with the wind in there favor when they decided it was a shooter. So my Dad shoots it and nails it in the shoulder threw both lungs and out the other side with a 300 grain reload out of his 375HH as soon as he shoots the bear spins around
and starts snapping at the entry hole then the guide brad shoots to make sure he does not try to go into the alders. the bear did not go far.

He is sending me a disc with some more cool pics and I will post them as soon as I get them

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