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Acclaimed filmmakers show hunting as "elegant" in Searching For West

Canada takes math sreiously however they are very perceptive to disallow cheating ...over the phone.
Yeah, cool filmography and good story, but not so much a hunting film...
Yeah, cool filmography and good story, but not so much a hunting film...

I think their goal was to show something different than what we see on TV, and they did that. Much higher production quality and I like how they didn't portray hunting as "I'll sacrifice EVERYTHING to kill an animal and thats all that matters." They showed there are more important things in life, higher priorities. I liked it and hope to see more. As they said its really a short film, not a hunting show. Definitely was worth going to see in the theatre.
I was thinking that too...pretty awesome prize package though!
It didn't really do it for me.

Cinematography and production value was fantastic. I'm just not really into seeing a camera zoomed in on some dude's face with him whispering in the background about how awesome his life is for a half hour.
It didn't really do it for me.

Cinematography and production value was fantastic. I'm just not really into seeing a camera zoomed in on some dude's face with him whispering in the background about how awesome his life is for a half hour.

Honestly, I have to agree 100%. Good for him for doing what he's doing though, and finally joining what the rest of us call life.

One bit of advice I can give him is this...learn how to sharpen a chain saw chain! Holy! If he'd set he brake and pulled the teeth back and forth across the tree it would've been faster!
It didn't really do it for me.

Cinematography and production value was fantastic. I'm just not really into seeing a camera zoomed in on some dude's face with him whispering in the background about how awesome his life is for a half hour.


I thought I identified with the trailer more than the actual film.

a nice departure from hunting films/TV shows as a whole though.
but am trying to see the point...

This is pure speculation, but what the production showed me:

They hired a production company to make the film, well before West was born. During the production, after West was born, Seacat realized that his heart wasn't in it, AND the production company realized producing a hunting film using traditional production is impossible.

The result was a production with awesome cinematography, but little or no content. Producing a film with actual DIALOGUE is really hard to do. Blending that with the reality of hunting, and a story worth watching is near impossible.
Yeah, it's tough to say, some of the hills look pretty darn green so that could be a part of it.

It just seemed so obvious to me, of course you aren't going to get those moments back...but in the future those moments will be hunting when West is old enough. Or maybe he's reevaluating how he hunts and is no longer going to look for trophies, but more meat and efficiency. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that it was just a big social media circle jerk for all the companies to gain exposure....after all Seacat Creative is a marketing company.

It has got me thinking though and maybe that is the point.
The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that it was just a big social media circle jerk for all the companies to gain exposure....after all Seacat Creative is a marketing company.

My thoughts went there also.
Not sure, but the entire thing feels like a "punt" to me.

I think you're onto something, maybe they were all geared up for for an epic elk hunt. High production value, big budget, but Seacat wasn't prepared for how he would personally be effected by the birth of his son.

I can identify with this, I was never a big baby person, and was unsure if I wanted to have kids. I knew I would be a good father, but was just completely taken for a loop of emotions when my son was born. I knew it would be "life changing", but was unprepared for just how profoundly it effected me and maybe this is a big part of what happened to Mark.

I think the overarching theme is to not miss those moments you can't get back. I'm in a similar, but different situation now. My son is 2 and I don't want to miss him growing up, but my Dad is 68 and has a limited number of hunting days left. To add to that, I've finally convinced my brother to hunt with us this year. So, I'm not wanting to miss thosse opportunities to hunt and spend time with my family, because in five or so years it may not be feasible for us to do so.

Hopefully in 5 or so years, my son gets to hunt with his grandpa at least once in each of their lifetimes.
I just watched, having really high hopes of something that tells hunting in an original way. I was real disappointed, and realized all the hype and the glory of the teaser was just to expose all of the companies that support the show. The cinematography was cool, but I can't relate to some guy kissing and hugging his family and son and have that strike me as humbling in any way.

Heres my idea: Take that same cinematography of being in the backcountry hunting elk and cut out the family crap. Not all viewers can relate to a random guys family, but all hunters can relate to a random guys hunting experience.
The full feature is available for all to view here:

Post your comments after viewing the film here:

buglum - While you have a valid point, look at it from a slightly different angle... Look at it from the perspective of you and your family. Maybe, you have felt some of those feelings and thoughts that Mark went and is going through? Or if you do not have a family, maybe someone close to you in your hunting circle does and they can relate.

I know I can relate to Mark and his family 4 time over!
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