


New member
Mar 1, 2001
Mtn. Home, Idaho
Just bought a new 7mm-08 today. Can anyone suggest a good load? The rifle will be used mainly on deer. I have been thinking of using a bullet in the 140gr range.
In my 7X08 I use Varget and both the 120 and 140 grain Nosler BT. I would start with 44 grain of varget with the 120 and 41 grain of varget with the 140 grain Nolser. Now this is just a starting pint and you should take care and work with each load! But I also use Federal Mag or CCI mag primers. Just a good starting point!

I've had excellent luck on a Rem mod 7, a ruger 77, and a Sako Fiberclass using 43.5 gr. W 748, RP of frontier brass, WLR primer.
Also had a modicum of luck using 47.0 grain of RL 19 with the same brass, but using a Fed 215 primer.

Be sure to let us know how you do. :cool:
Hey thanks for the information. I have loaded many calibers over the years but this a new one for me. I really appreciate the help. The wife will too it's her rifle.

She is not very big and it took awhile to decide on whick rifle to buy but we settled on a remington mod. 7 topped with a nikon scope. Of course I get to shoot it too. :D