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Congratulations @wllm on the tags and being a new father. Just to bring us up to speed:
What gun are you using, or taking multiple for the different animals?
What are the dates? When does your first hunt start, and how much of the hunt will you able to hunt multiple species?
Thanks for taking us along!!
Idk what to say! From the draw odds, the time management aspect; for both you and the in-laws, the picturesque landscape, the baby on the way… I’d probably be stressing a LOT harder than you appear to be!! Very excited for you, that moose is UUUUGE I can’t wait to see what you get!! How’s the corgi do when it comes down to the important moments like stalking or shooting?

A thread for the ages, so excited to follow along

Gus does great in the field, keeps quiet and gun shots don’t bother him, he freaks out when I get the bow out I think he thinks it’s “speed fetch” with the arrows… but also mom said bear bait wasn’t allowed to come along on a sheep hunt.
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Congratulations @wllm on the tags and being a new father. Just to bring us up to speed:
What gun are you using, or taking multiple for the different animals?
What are the dates? When does your first hunt start, and how much of the hunt will you able to hunt multiple species?
Thanks for taking us along!!
Thank you and great questions…

I bought a tikka veil .300 win last fall and took a cow elk with it, that’s coming along with 180grn shock hammers, loaded with 7828ssc, 76 grains I think would need to check my notes. Super easy powder to find in MA so that’s what I went with.

Caribou is August 10- Sept25, 🤞heading in tonight or tomorrow morning.

Sheep and moose are sept 5-17 and sept 1-15 respectively… which is a bit of a debacle. Current plan is hunt sheep, come back to in laws, dump meat in the freezer, if we get one, and then meet the horse packer at the trail head the next morning.
Whelp I guess I should kick this thread off… sitting at Sea-Tac waiting to catch my ride up to what will no doubt be a month I won’t soon forget.

Back in December when I was applying, and looking at draw odds I didn’t think I had a chance at a tag, but then that 1 in 100,000 event happened and I found myself with not just 1 but 3 hard to draw tags. Ecstatic I called my in-laws in Alaska, before I could even tell them the my news they tell me “we’re going sheep and bison hunting.”

“Oh you looked up my results?… wait bison”

“Sheep, did you look at her?…”

Nope, they hadn’t, my SIL and I had drawn the same sheep tag, and she was hunting bison as well.

In someways ways my draws were a bit poorly planned as the tags had similar/overlapping dates. With a trove of tags, work obligations, kids, etc we came up with a bit of a daunting schedule for the fall.

I hope I can do these tags justice as I know lots of people applied for them, I’m not using a guide (sheep with second degree kin), and won’t be flying in for anything, though I did cave a bit on my plan for my on-foot moose hunt and 🤞 will be getting a ride in on horses.

Last couple weeks as I’ve been dreaming of this month I’ve tried to set my expectations, I’m doing this the hard way and the cheap way… so there is a lot of potential for coming up short in terms of antlers and horns but I hope not in memories/experiences.

Can't wait for this one! Maybe you should ride over to our side of the bay and hang out a couple days! You know, to check out the bull I'm going to kill and stuff ;)

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Oh, and my wife is expecting… first ultrasound was in Alaska. So I was a little distracted ;)

spit GIF

Just casually slid that news nugget in there huh? Congrats man!
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