Caribou Gear Tarp

2017 Year in Review


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
I'm a little late on this thread! Has been awfully busy this year. And I haven't quite figured out how to keep portrait pics vertical and landscape pics horizontal. For those of you that are smarter than me, please tell me how!

Overall, 2017 was a very solid year. Started out with a bang with our 2nd child. Baby Luke joined us in February and along with his older brother, is one hell of a huge handful!


Normally I do a lot of fishing during the summer but due to #2 coming along, that was reduced a lot. I did manage to get out a few times though and had a few awesome days. The size of the fish was about as good as I've ever seen here in ND with lots of 18-22" fish.


One of my favorite "non-fried" walleye recipes. Bacon wrapped stuffed on the grill. Delicious!!!


Jumped about a foot when I first saw this guy. Catching movement out of the corner of your eye in the boat usually isn't a good thing.


In August, a few friends of mine and I played in a golf tournament with the winners getting a shotgun for 1st prize. Some stiff competition but we won in a playoff.


Did a combo antelope trip to Wyoming and Montana in early October. Had a blast and can't wait to go again this fall. Will probably just try and draw Wyoming though. For some reason that I can't figure out, my sister in law is getting married this fall on the opening weekend of antelope for Montana and North Dakota. What the hell is she thinking? Anyways, a few pics.


Every year, starting around October 20th, I get a huge obsession for waterfowl hunting when the birds are getting their plumage. It's a short window when the ducks get super nice until they migrate which is usually in early November. I only got out a few days but had some good hunts. Shot a couple hooded mergansers too which was a first for me. One was mount worthy but I busted up the beak really bad on it so I'm hoping to get another one this year.

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I had a deer tag for an Indian Reservation and shot a small forkie on the last weekend. That was some interesting hunting. Haven't decided if I'll apply again or not. Rifle buck tags are so hard to come by in ND and the reservation has high odds for drawing but again, it's interesting hunting there. I learned one thing though. Ever have one of those pesky fences get in the way of where you want to go off-roading? Just take the wires off the posts, push them down to the ground and hold them right on the ground with a vice grip. Then you can just drive right over the wires! Smh....


Finished the year with a late season cow elk hunt in WY. Had an absolute blast hunting in some awesome country. Had some good luck and both my buddy and I were able to shoot a cow. One was a couple miles in and the other one was only about a quarter mile from a 2 track in pancake flat sage country. I drew the tag again for this year so I'm already looking forward to that.


A few random photos. Gotta love the one with the guys dragging a cooler across the ND badlands.

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Vince. What an outstanding year and two great antelope!

I hear you about hunting the Res up there. I tried it ONCE! Your choice of words to describe it are very gentle. I personally got tired of seeing people driving coulees in trucks with guns out the window and tearing across the prairie on dirt bikes with guns slung over their backs. Few rules, with selective enforcement in my opinion.

I hope 2018 treats you as well or better!
Vince. What an outstanding year and two great antelope!

I hear you about hunting the Res up there. I tried it ONCE! Your choice of words to describe it are very gentle. I personally got tired of seeing people driving coulees in trucks with guns out the window and tearing across the prairie on dirt bikes with guns slung over their backs. Few rules, with selective enforcement in my opinion.

I hope 2018 treats you as well or better!

Yea it's quite the experience hunting on the rez! If getting away for 5-7 days wasn't an issue, I would for sure just get a CO deer tag. It's sure nice being able to just do a day hunt there though... We'll see if I apply there this year or not...

Van Hook arm fishing is fun when its good, Grew up a bit west of there in Williston, I fished White Earth Bay mostly. Congrats on a great season.

Wow no kidding. I grew up in Stanley so not too far from you. In the summer we usually fished at Van Hook but then always ice fished at White Earth Bay.

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