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  1. C

    A mans word aint what it use to be

    Well you learn something new everyday I guess. Found a 150 hp tractor price for 55000 with very low hours on it. I called the guy and we had a deal 55000 but I wanted to look first. He called tis morning and said 1 oclock on Tuesday would work. An hour later he calls back I sold it for 60000...
  2. C

    Black friday poll.

    I'm watching the news and all they are talking about is black Friday shopping. And it got me to thinking:eek: So I made a poll to figure out What everyone think about black Friday. Looks like my spellings off some tonight.
  3. C


    Did your parents dress you up for Halloween? What was the best outfit and what was the worst? Do you dress up as an adult? No adult dressing up here. Ghost when I was little white sheet with holes for eyes. Mom made us:)
  4. C

    Any trappers of furry beast on here?

    I do some trapping mostly raccoon, muskrat possum, coyote and skunk not by choice:D You guys trappers?
  5. C

    Favorite snack?

    Alright what do you guys and gals bring with you when you hunt for snacks. I eat bark bugs and possums:eek: I make a sandwich and some water or coffee.
  6. C

    Duck hunting will never be the same

    Going to take my niece and her friend duck hunting Sat. Neither have hunted before:eek: I'm sure they will be very fashionable and late showing up:D I'm all for helping people get into hunting but I'm beginning to think there's a couple cute boys in school right now that are into hunting that...
  7. C

    Bear hunting cost?

    My big brother called today and we got to BSing about black bear hunting I never hunted them and he said he hunted in Canada and it cost 3000+. Is that the actual cost or would that be on the high side/better hunting area premium place? Was 4 day room and license.
  8. C

    What state?

    If you had the chance to make one state a wildlife refuge (Only You could Hunt it) which one would you choose? No Alaska or Hawaii. I'm thinking CA because you have ocean mountains and everything in between.
  9. C

    Goose season tomorrow.

    Well It's looking like a sure thing for geese tomorrow. They found my cut silage and are landing by the hundreds:) Looks like it's going to be a good family outing. Even if us old guys can't hit $##t:D
  10. C

    how old?

    What's the avg. age on the forum? Since I don't want to add everyone's age I thought a poll in ten year increments would do.
  11. C

    Does hunting dog price matter?

    Ok fellow chicken chasers. When you search for a hunting dog does a more expensive dog mean he's going to be a better dog then the cheap one? I shop around look for the deal. My first hunting dog was the runt of the litter and he turned out to be very good. best 50 bucks I ever spent.
  12. C

    First job?

    Oh boy time to remember the good ole days. What was your first job and how old were you? I worked for a farmer age 11 and made $3.00 hour:) Boy have times changed I farm now and I pay 13-15 an hour.
  13. C

    Not good for browndog

    Well He did it this time. Cut the end of his tail:mad: I took him to the vet a week ago and they glued and wrapped it. Well it didn't work and it's bleeding again. So I called the vet and he said amputation:eek: I said you got to be s###ing me. He said no it will never heal and it will get...
  14. C

    American made

    It's poll time. This one has to do with buying American made stuff. Polls not the greatest. So if you want add some great American made products you buy.
  15. C

    First wheels

    Time to test the old memory here. Maybe some of you it was a horse:D What was the first vehicle you own owned? Mine was a Thunderbird.
  16. C

    How did you find hunt talk?

    Time to vote again. Sorry guys you don't get to vote. Looks like I F'd it up. So you got to type how you found the site now. I was surfing the web for hunting sites and found this one.
  17. C


    How many different states have you guys hunted in? Has anyone hunted in all 50:eek: Now that would be something. Only one state for me.
  18. C

    Shooting times

    Teal season opened here. I didn't get to go today, but my nephew gave me the report. He said it was OK huntng. But he was mad at some fellow duck hunters. He said they starte shooting a half hour early:mad: Said it sounded like a war zone. This should not happen because we all got cell phones...
  19. C

    This ain't good

    I can't believe this. Went to see Mommy and when I went in the house she was on the phone. While I was sitting there I figured out it was the pray chain:eek: Around here its a bunch of old ladies. I hear mom say pray for ISIS:eek: I'm thinking this can't be right. Well it was right. Mom hung up...
  20. C

    What you guys like hunt with

    Going to try a poll here.