Wyoming PP Any Advice?


Active member
Aug 4, 2010
I have 3 PP's in WY for deer and elk. I have been researching WY for 2 years now and am trying to decide on how to hunt it.

My goal for deer is to have a hunt that I would be able to shoot a 3pt or bigger deer. I have looked at some limited quota units with the PP's I have, as well as general hunts where I could hunt whitetails in Nov if I didn't get a mule deer in October.
My question for deer is should I use my 3 PP's on a general hunt, for a limited quota hunt, or save them for another hunt that takes more PP's?

My goal for elk is to have a hunt at a chance for a bull. I haven't shot a bull before and would be happy at shooting any branch antlered bull that gives me a chance. I have just started getting into archery and am wondering if putting in for a tag that offers an archery season as well is a good idea or if I should just focus on a bull with a rifle.
Should I apply for elk with the PP's I have or continue building points? Is it possible to put in for a cow tag as my second choice in the same unit without using my PP's?

I have been looking into North and North-Central WY for both deer and elk. Lastly, is it possible to hunt both deer and elk in the same area, at the same time?

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. You can PM me if you want too.

I am looking at Region C for deer. A couple units in it offer a general tag that is good 2 weeks in October, then again for the month of November for whitetails only. So is there 2 different deer tags for general?
The price increases they are discussing will have to go through the Legislature next year for approval and will not take effect until 2014 at the earliest if they pass. As far as answering questions the OP has, I would suggest separate hunts in different years for deer and elk so that you can give each animal your full attention. It is much easier to do a combo deer/antelope hunt and you may want to give that some consideration for a multiple hunt. Region C for deer is mostly private land and you will need to do your homework to be successful on the limited public land available or try to find a private ranch to hunt on. I would go ahead and use the 3 PPs you have for deer next year in the 2013 season before prices probably go through the roof in 2014, but build a couple more PPs for a limited entry elk hunt in the coming years. Otherwise, if you just applied for a general tag right now as your first choice you would be wasting PPs because a general tag can be had with less PPs. You could also do what you suggested and get a second choice tag while keeping your PPs by listing an impossible unit to draw in as your first choice. That would allow you to get your feet wet if you have never hunted elk before. Some areas allow either species of deer to be taken on a tag and some allow you to take a muley in an early season or use the unfilled tag for a WT later like you mentioned is possible in the units you are looking at in Region C.
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Good advice TG.

Might see what the winter does before you make an hard plans for deer hunting. I know where I hunt in the Douglas area was hit hard by EHD. I saw at least 30 sick dying deer this season. Literally bucks standing in the ditch and you could walk right up to them. Had another one walk up to 10 yards while field dressing an antelope. That coupled with bad nutrtiton this summer due to drought and the strong possiblity of a bad winter kill I'd take a wait and see approach. Don't want to burn that many points if there are not many deer to hunt.
Thanks for replies. I definitely don't want to burn the PP's on a general hunt. Is 3 PP's good enough to draw any limited quota tags? I have looked into a few units, but they seem to take more to draw. Thanks for the advice on combo hunting, I think I will stick with one species at a time. I will probably wait till the last minute to apply after seeing how the winter is going and to spend more time researching.
Look through the drawing odds on the G&F website to see what units drew with 3 or less PPs. Then go into the public access section to see if there are any HMAs or WIHAs in those units. Finally, check to see how much public land is accessible and ask on forums if people have hunted the public lands in the unit and what their take is on it.
I would consider hunting general units or easy to draw hunts in Colorado or Montana if you want to stockpile your pp for elk. I chose to Antelope hunt in 2010 and 2011 and after we shot our Goats look for places to hunt Elk and Deer. In 2012 we hunted the general elk license, while there were elk harvested in our area I don't feel the amount of pressure to elk ratio justified a two year wait for that tag. I should have enough preference to draw the Deer tag we have been waiting for, but that being said, I'm not sure I will pull the trigger on that tag for 2013. The longer I work to build points the more important it is to me that everything be right not just in the unit but I have to be 100% sure I will have the time to commit to the hunt I have been waiting years to draw.
I also forgot to mention, that point creep in Wyoming Elk is huge. After a big draw down from 1-2 point holders drawing general licenses, relatively very few limited draw tags to thin out the 16,841 people ahead of you in line. Also with 5849 people sitting with 3 points a unit that took 3 points last year could easily be 4 points next year. etc.
DH- Good info, glad you shared your experience on this. I am not as worried about drawing an elk tag right now, I am hoping to bank a few more points before looking at my options. Do you think that any price increase will have affect on people building points and then on when they decide to use them? I will look into CO and MT for elk as well. Thanks
Hunting as an out of stater is already so expensive would an extra $1-200 make or break you on a hunt that costs$ 2-4,000 by the time you get there buy all your equipment etc etc. What I was saying is you should consider the idea that you may end up buying a general tag in Wyoming with 6 elk points just the same as 3 elk points. For example if you are holding out for Unit 7 in Wyoming. 34 people with 6 points didn't draw this year and 1250 people with <6 didn't draw. that means if they keep license #'s the same it will only take about 13 years to bring that pool to zero meaning someone who had 5 points in 2012 would then be on deck. It is a long wait to those with 3 points in 2012. Plus there are still 3600 people with 7 points, maybe the economy gets better and they decide they want to hunt elk in the next couple of years, who knows. However all the people with 6 points in the special draw were successful. So one has to ask himself is it better to wait 13? years and pay $750 or more in preference, or just pony up the extra $500 now...

Initially I stopped applying in Montana because of the price increase a couple of years ago. After watching my Wyoming license expire because I am limited to only one week to hunt in October, but having much more flexibility with my schedule in November I'm starting to appreciate the value in that Montana tag. Just trying to point out that there is more to factor than just draw odds and harsh winters. You won't get an elk from the living room couch!
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