PEAX Equipment

Wyoming Elk Hunts



ANy of you fellas that havent got your Wyoming booklet and application from the Wyoming Game department, ya better get with it. Jan 31st is the deadline for elk. Moose and Sheep deadline is February 28th!!!!!!!!! Get on the stick fellas!!!! Good luck on the draw!!!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

[This message has been edited by bcat (edited 12-26-2000).]

Thanks for sending the booklet.
Rest assured that I am watching the calander like a hawk.
Don't say anything about that special draw they are having this year.
the more that know the less my chances for drawing will be.



I called two days ago to ask why I didn't receive after hunting there last year, they didn't know but said I should receive one within a week.
Hey bcat and all, looks like they changed the Wyoming moose, goat, and sheep app deadline till 28 Febuary.

Good Hunting and have a happy Holidays fellas,

Crockett-THanks for the heads up! You are right! Moose sheep and goat tags have till the 28th of FEb before they are due! Elk is still the 31st of Jan!!!! THanks for correcting me!bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
You can just buy a point for $7 instead of remitting the big chunk of change if you already know you don't have enough points.
I wish other states did that as well. $7 lets you put in for all 3, instaed of loaning them 3 or 4 thousand for a few months!
DS-Those are only points for Sheep and Moose, maybe Goat , but NOT ELK!!!!! bcat

Wish they had points for elk tho for the non residents.
If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

[This message has been edited by bcat (edited 12-26-2000).]
The points are for sheep and moose, not goat.

Also, even with no points in WY, 25% of the moose and sheep permits are allocated to a 2nd draw that doesn't use the bonus pool, so you CAN draw on the first year if you are pretty lucky. Odds are steep though.
B'cat, Crockett was referring to moose,sheep , and sheep app, as was I, but Greenhorn is right, it's only Moose and Sheep, not goat.
DS-So glad ya made yer point! I said and I quote "MAYBE GOAT" bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Hey this is Moosie... STRIKE ONE......

Keep it up Green horn.....


[This message has been edited by Moosie (edited 01-04-2001).]
Good Luck everybody in the Wyoming draw!!! Still got 20 days or so to make yer mind up where ya want to go in our great state. Hard telling how many good luck dances, shooting stars and underwear worn inside out, will take place while waiting for the results!!!!!

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Thumper ole Buddy ya found a puter (KINDA)!!hehehe I wont let out the secret there Cuz!!! bcat Lets keep it an inside joke too K!!!!hehehe

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Shhhhh! Cuz, Don't be letting folks know our secret ways to improve LUCK with the draw

WEB TV AGAIN, so I will be short (pardon the pun)
Till, I can get on a real computer!

Then I can start bragging about our FANTASTIC Time!
Cuzin Thump

O.D 'ing in Denver
(inside joke)
Whats the hurry on the draw? I've got 'till May to make up my mind. HeHeHe

Deacon lets not be rubbing it in!!
I have recieved several of you fellas elk applications and have checked them for errors and sent them off to the game and fish! Good luck guys!! ANybody that has put in and needs some advise on where to go on a general tag, I would be more than happy to help ya out in finding a spot, or lining you up with someone in the area that you draw to make your 2001 the best it can be. Let me know if ya need help with anything including the application! We would be more than happy to help! We helped alot of fellars last fall, that werent clients, and it was well worth the effort. We have made alot of new friends from doing this and will continue this year to do the same!bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
I am looking to go hunting for elk in 2002, anybody got ideas on total costs? Not looking for a 3 x 1 hunt. One like a 1 on 1 type hunt.
Bluetic-Welcome to the forum!!!! I would say for a guided hunt 1 on one with a reputable guide or outfitter, you are looking at 610 bucks for the tag, around 3000 bucks for the hunt, from Kansas depending on what ya drive about 250 to 300 for gas and eats round trip, and depending on whether ya cut your own meat or not about 200 in processing fees and if you kill a big one and want to get it mounted around 600 to 700 bucks for the mount. So if you were successful and didnt do part of it yourself around 5000 bucks would cover it . Good luck on the draw if you apply and if ya need anything dont be afraid to email me or post it here. A do it yourself type hunt would be about 1500 bucks cheaper by the time ya figured motels and meals and gas for your hunting rig.

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Blast from the past

Hey this is Moosie... STRIKE ONE......

Keep it up Green horn.....


[This message has been edited by Moosie (edited 01-04-2001).]

Looking at some older post and wanted to do a quote. But this is interesting, moosie warning Greenhorn. GFew may remember we used to also fight amongst ourselves.
funny two on this decon and b'cat are banned. i think decon ran off with the hose beast

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