Wyoming Area Suggestions


New member
Jul 23, 2014
Hello all! I keep reviewing all the stats available on the Wyoming Game and Fish website but am having a hard time deciding on an area. I currently live in Colorado Springs but am in the military and will be moving back east. I have three preference points and I am going to try to use them now while I am in driving distance from Wyoming. In the past I have hunted HMAs in area 47 and had good luck never with anything huge but at least always filling tags. If possible, I am looking for an area with decent public access and possibly an ability to pick up leftover doe tags. Of course I am not looking for anyone's honey hole but any advise would be greatly appreciated.
The only places you will be able to pick up leftover doe tags this year are primarily private land areas, as numbers of licenses in all of the areas with significant public land have had both doe/fawn and any antelope licenses reduced due to past poor fawn crops. Last year's fawn crops were actually good, but don't expect to see increases in numbers of doe/fawn licenses until there are at least two years of good fawn crops.
I've been applying for the type 2 license in area 47 and waiting for the un-hunted bucks from the Q Ranch to come off the private land in October. Nothing more satisfying than an un-hunted big antelope buck that has drifted down to the public land from inaccessible private land. Unfortunately, you are just off the edge of drawing a license in area 47, even the type 2, and they did not increase the number of licenses. You might try area 108, south of Rawlins. You can draw there with 3 preference points, and a friend who hunts there says it is currently under-hunted with a reasonable amount of public land and some good bucks.
For doe/fawn, there were no applications from NR hunters for doe/fawn licenses in area 55 next door to 108 last year, and Game and Fish has a habitat area there.
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Thank you both for the info. It is quite helpful and I will definitely take it into account when making my decision.
The only places you will be able to pick up leftover doe tags this year are primarily private land areas, as numbers of licenses in all of the areas with significant public land have had both doe/fawn and any antelope licenses reduced due to past poor fawn crops. Last year's fawn crops were actually good, but don't expect to see increases in numbers of doe/fawn licenses until there are at least two years of good fawn crops.
I've been applying for the type 2 license in area 47 and waiting for the un-hunted bucks from the Q Ranch to come off the private land in October. Nothing more satisfying than an un-hunted big antelope buck that has drifted down to the public land from inaccessible private land. Unfortunately, you are just off the edge of drawing a license in area 47, even the type 2, and they did not increase the number of licenses. You might try area 108, south of Rawlins. You can draw there with 3 preference points, and a friend who hunts there says it is currently under-hunted with a reasonable amount of public land and some good bucks.
For doe/fawn, there were no applications from NR hunters for doe/fawn licenses in area 55 next door to 108 last year, and Game and Fish has a habitat area there.

There will be now!!

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