Wolves Not the Cause of Hunter Failures Study Proves


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border

Research Shows Elk Declines Not Significantly Greater Where Wolves Present

PRAY, Montana – Wolves "cannot plausibly account for the majority of elk ‘missing’ from the Idaho elk harvests since 1995," according to new research presented today by wildlife biologists associated with Defenders of Wildlife and Nez Perce wildlife management. They found that elk harvest declines were not significantly greater in areas with wolves than in those without, and that wolves cannot be linked to declines in elk density.

"The numbers couldn’t be clearer. Wolves can’t plausibly account for a majority – never mind all – of reduction in the elk taken by hunters in Idaho," said Dr. J. Christopher Haney of Defenders of Wildlife. "It’s particularly telling that elk harvests have declined by about the same amount in areas without wolves as in those with them."

Haney and Dr. Keith Lawrence presented their preliminary findings today at the 17th Annual North American Wolf Conference in Pray, Montana. They addressed head-on the explosive question of whether reintroduced wolves were responsible for declines in hunter harvests of elk.

They looked at the question from two different perspectives. First, they excluded inverse associations between wolves and elk in Idaho – did elk numbers decline by more in areas with wolves than in those places without them? Second, they analyzed well-established rates of wolf predation on elk, to determine if the number of wolves in the region could possibly account for the numbers of elk "missing" from elk hunt numbers since 1995.

On both counts, the data clearly show that factors other than wolf predation play a much larger role in elk availability to hunters than the presence or absence of wolves. In fact, since wolf reintroduction in Idaho, hunter effort was the best predictor of elk harvest levels, not wolf numbers.
Tanks for the article Jose…. I hate to hear that wolves are the blame for these types of issues when they are not. It is good to hear some positive facts about the wolves once in a while!

I would be willing to BET that anyone associated with defenders of wildlife and the nez perce tribe COULDNT be biased in anyway !!!(sarcasm) that would be like having EXPERTS say that the burgers you flip at mcdonalds are healthy !!!
Sage- I suppose you believe the NRA also. No bias with their discussions... I suppose you believe the anti-wolf crowd...Again, no bias?
Wolves kill elk and deer. True or false? Guns don't kill people, people kill people. True or False? There endeth the lesson in common sense.
I assume they have the numbers to back up their claim and I hope we'll see them. They're smart enough to know they'll lose credibility if they can't substantiate what they're saying.

However, I have NEVER seen any numbers by the anti-wolf nuts to substantiate their claims. Oops, once I did, but the numbers they produced were so laughable that they issued a retraction real fast. That was a couple years ago when the Idaho anti-wolf coalition claimed there were 2000 wolves in Idaho.
Ithaca, what kind of numbers would you like? How about lost hunting opportunities?

When quoting people from anti-hunting groups like the Defenders of Wildlife, you should consider the motive of the source. What kind of an dingleberry would attend the 17th Annual North American Wolf Conference?
Well said 7X7. I wonder why there would be a decline in the number of elk hunters if the elk population wasn't declining?
2 Beers Short of a 12 Pack,
Can you provide numbers on your decline of Elk Hunters that is due to a declining elk population that is attributable to wolves?
Some of you guys crack me up. You need numbers and studies to make a decision about something that is pretty staight forward. Remember there was a day when these studies that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars didn't exhist and they made decisions based on COMMON SENSE. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying we shouldn't have studies and take advantage of the technology that we have today. However alot of times common sense can prevail.

You introduce wolves back into the wilderness. We know what it takes to sustain a wolf and wolf pack. As the wolves increase in numbers the elk numbers fall off. Hello!!! Some of the best intel we can get comes from people (hunters & outdooorsman) who are in the field.

There endeth the lesson!
JoseCuervo said:
2 Beers Short of a 12 Pack,
Can you provide numbers on your decline of Elk Hunters that is due to a declining elk population that is attributable to wolves?
I willl show you the numbers when the experts you are exalting provide me (us) theirs. I could show/back up my statement with the same numbers they are using. :eek: :eek:
That is a typical response lacking in common sense. Of course they're not going to become extinct. But the numbers could continue to fall until we see few elk. Then the wolves will turn to deer. Elk is there food of choice I beleive. As the number of wolves continue to grow elk numbers will continue to drop. I'm not saying eliminate wolves what I am saying is we should have discussions on controlling their numbers. Right now they're protected and are growing unchecked.

What could we do to manage the wolf population? Any ideas? We know it has affected the elk so let's take some steps to slow things down. What would be wrong with opening a controlled season a wolves?
49- The NRA doesn't give me the right to own a firearm, the constitution does. T or F?
49- Great Idea! Glad you're the first to think of it, opening a season for wolves. You mean wolf management? Novel, common sense answer there. Now how do you get through the hurdles of 3 states and the Federal Government? That seems to be the biggest problem.
Now your talking state and federal government. Remember we are talking COMMON SENSE. I don't know if you can use COMMON SENSE and state and federal governemt in the same sentence.
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