Caribou Gear Tarp

Without bats, there'd be no tequila


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Tulsa, Oklahoma-AP -- The Nature Conservancy is using Halloween to begin a publicity drive for an endangered species -- the Ozark big-eared bat.

Conservancy officials in Oklahoma say they want people to know the bat isn't a nightmarish, neck-biting creature. It does a lot of good.

For instance, the bat is the only animal that can effectively pollinate the agave (uh-GAH'-vee) plant. Conservancy officials say without the agave plant, there would be no such thing as tequila -- and without tequila there would be no margaritas.

Bats also help control the mosquito and moth populations. Bats from just one cave eat 160 pounds of insects per night, every night during the summer.

The Ozark big-eared bat makes its home in parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>MY OPINION: No wonder 1_pointer is so fond of The Nature Conservancy--they probably supported his tequila habit back in undergrad.
For instance, the bat is the only animal that can effectively pollinate the agave (uh-GAH'-vee) plant. Conservancy officials say without the agave plant, there would be no such thing as tequila -- and without tequila there would be no margaritas.

Save the little critters!