Who's animals are these?

Troy Jones

New member
Feb 11, 2003
Western South Dakota
Had an old retired State Trapper ask me to think about this.

If a deer is tearing up your crops or hay yard, they are the landowner's deer.

If you hit a deer with your car it's nobody's deer and the damages and costs are something you have to deal with.

If you want to hunt deer, then they belong to the State game and fish and you have to pay them to hunt the deer.

What do you guys think?
The answer is Pretty simple ?

If the animal is tearing up the Farmers crops, It's NOT the farmers deer, otherwise he wouldn't need to get the Depridation tags to shoot them./ Thus the Deer still belong to the state.

If you hit a deer with your car it's a Crash that you did. It's like running into a tree in the State forest. the Tree still belongs to the state, but you need to pay for your own Damage.

If you hunt Deer, they belong to the state because state funds help "Manage" the deer.

Or something like that
For arguments sake, trees don't grow in the middle of the road. Here they won't issue enough depredation tags to amount to anything. They do have a law that the landowner can shoot deer as many deer as needed, but they have to leave them lay or directly dispose of them like bring them to the bone yard or a dump site. So it's up to the landowner. I know a landowner that has shot over 70 deer in a couple hours off his hay yards and hay fields. This is after repeated attempts for help from the South Dakota game and fish. He has an open gate policy for people that want to shoot does, but never gets any offers. The game and fish depredation pool has sent two hunters to take two doe off his property, that is obviously not enough. Lucky for him, EHD hit last year and now has about 10% of the deer he had previously, which is about right for him.
If a deer is eating crops here, the state pays damage, or supplies material to fence the animals out. They will also issue depredation tags, but usually for elk or antelope only. I had a depredation doe antelope tag earlier this year...the landowner had 20 of them for one alfalfa field.

If you hit a deer with your car in CO, the accident is written up as the state sustaining "damage" in the value of one deer (I'm not sure what that value is now, it used to be $400). I'm not sure how the state's "damage" is handled with regard to insurance, but I know the driver is either found at fault, or it's a no fault situation (depends on the accident). I've seen folks written up for "Unsafe mountain driving" or "Driving too fast for road conditions" after hitting a deer.

The wildlife belongs to the state...the wildlife belongs to the state...the wildlife...

I think Tom will probably tell you differently, though.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-23-2003 22:09: Message edited by: Colorado Oak ]</font>
If your going to insult me Moosie, try doing it right. It's in-bred or in-breeding, there is no such word as inbreader. Whose family tree is a trunk here? Try this grammar once: I'm trying to talk to someone in South Dakota that's in-bred. Also, talking requires voice. You could use a generic term like bash, yeah bash would work good for you. Let's try this: I'm trying to bash someone in South Dakota that's in-bred. Now I will make a comeback with something like: Moosie, that means alot coming from someone that has stretch marks around his lips and ass. Your obviously a popular guy with the fellas, you must know what your talking about. I think you replied on the wrong thread you need on a thread called "Is older wiser".
GOOD POST, Way to TEECH me somethin' !!!

And... Inbreader (or spelt with 2 ee's , either way) is a word. I heard it in a movie once.
It's great to have management that can take as much as they dish out without instantly getting banned.

Did you know that Mtmiller is a synonym for pillow-biter. Sorry Craig I couldn't help myself, I'm on a roll.
LOL Troy.. you need to be better at insulting me if you want to get banned.. I jsut expected a "Yo Momma's so FAT" joke coming from you.. I'm so Darn Disapointed in someone that : "I'm trying to bash in South Dakota that's in-bred."

PS, "Jsut" is Spelt that way on my site.. jsut get used to it.

EDIT PART : I know Craig's a Pilow biter, I spent a week with him in Canada

PS on this.... what do you think about yor Orig. topic ?
While we're busy correcting I might suggest that it should be "whose animals" (as in, "to whom do these animals belong") and not "who's" (as in "who is"), but then I might get called arrogant again and I don't know if I can bear the pain of it.

We have depredation tags here too, but they are rarely asked for or issued for whatever reason. How else should the state handle it? Hire a legion of professional hunters to decimate the deer on the property of every farmer who complains? Where would they draw the line between significant damage and acceptable losses? Who would pay for it?

Same goes for cars: if not the driver, who's going to pay for it? Ask a state like PA how much they'd have to spend if they started picking up the tab for every car/deer collision.

License dollars=conservation money. 'Nuff said.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> If your going to insult me Moosie, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He also ALWAYS use's "your" instead of "you're" .. but I'm the last to make fun of typing..... Even on Inbreaders !!!
If yous guys is gona keep beeeting downs on the worser spellers, me willhafta tell my moms and i will start speaking "e`bonics".
cjcj... i can't tell if you tried to spell bad in your last post or if you just made a normal post
As far as the topic at hand, I think it is something that is obviously handled on a state by state basis. Here, the management isn't very good in my opinion. I have watched the quality and quantity of bucks drastically decline over the past ten years. It wouldn't hurt my feelings to see half or more of the whitetail doe herd taken out and the # of buck tags cut down.

It is needed to have the State in charge of the deer in order to have proper management, if they are doing the job. Due to the lack of cooperation of the South Dakota game and fish with the land owners of the County North of me (Harding County), the land owners have locked up over 500,000 acres and withdrew the walkin lands that were leased by the State. Now there are thousands of hunters without a place to hunt this year. And it all stems from "who's deer are they". One of the ranchers that has a hunting ban is on the State game and fish commission.
I agree with you 100%. Any time politics get involved with management the animals take the short end of the stick.

cjcj, maybe instead of ebonics you should try Spanish.
In my experience it's almost always been the welfare ranchers who act like spoiled brats and are difficult for the state F&G Dept. to get along with. The usually have the attitude that any wildlife on their property belongs to them. Then they want the F&G to pay for any grass the deer, antelope and elk eat.

"the land owners have locked up over 500,000 acres and withdrew the walkin lands that were leased by the State. Now there are thousands of hunters..."

So, they didn't get their way and they've backed out of the leases? How would they feel if the F&G reneged on their end of the lease? Is all 500,000 acres their private land or are they locking out people from getting to public land?
Jsut my $0.02
I agee with Troy that each state handles it different.
We ran over a 6X6 elk someone else had hit and kilt and since it damaged our skid plate(yeah right!) we got to keep it. Got a permit from the DPS officer right then with out having to waste a bonus point or get drawn.
Thank god for one good thing about AZ!
You got me good moosie, i knew you would be looking to square thing`s after[scab on ass, small bones] fiasco, you got me rolling on the last one
but beware i was a spelling bee champ in 7th grade, and if my memory ever returns to 100% watch out! i am at 86 2/3 capacity right now. Gisbon are you trying to send me to the "nuthouse"? Spanish, let me try uhmmmm hasta la bye bye, alto mutha fkr, your chico sister has nice chi-chi`s, uno, dos,tres,quatro,seis, sieta,ocho, thats the best i can do
Troy we do get to keep "road kill" down here as m.man said.
Ithaca, the leases are one that the game and fish pay the landowners to let people hunt. All said 500,000 plus acres are private, no welfare ranchers there. The walk-in program is only several thousand acres worth, so that's not that big of a deal. It's the private land that is. The amount of BLM in South Dakota is pretty small, so it is not an issue.