while its upon yall....im sittin here in 80 degree weather waitin for sept and dec...


New member
Mar 4, 2004
BLAH ALL U FOLKS SUCK A$$.....i wanna be in idaho up on 8th street in my stand bow in hand waitin on ol pappa bear butttttttttt nooooooo i had to move back to tex-ass
Go hunt a big hog, poor man's grizzly, they say. But you can't shoot and retrieve one very well with your bow though, they don't die that easy.
Tried the hole hog thing didnt work out like planed they left the area i was gonna hunt a week before i got there.....did miss one with my bow though just a lil one
Well sorry for the not getting to hunt Ideeho thing, but good luck on the little piggies though.... :D
When I read your post I thought maybe you were wanting to be road hunting with your bow on 8th street. :eek:
Well go get yourself a little piggie and have some fun. ;)