NEW SITKA Ambient 75

We have an SUV - I don't have an SUV

Top Contributors
MBNA Corp $240,675
Vinson & Elkins $202,850
Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
Ernst & Young $179,949
Andersen Worldwide $145,650
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
Merrill Lynch $132,425
PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
Baker & Botts $116,121
Citigroup Inc $114,300
Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
Bank of America $112,500
KPMG LLP $107,744
Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
State of Texas $87,254
American General Corp $84,134
Deloitte & Touche $81,600
AXA Financial $79,725
"State of Texas $87,254 "

How come the State of Texas is donating to Dubya??? Why would they use Tax dollars to support him? More idiocy from the Land of High Fence Hunting....
You know I wish I could have just deleted that one. I can't imagine a situation where any state could donate to a presidential election. I wonder where Ann Richards is when you need her? She could have a least came up with a snappy line about that donation.

I gotta run to a meeting with the boss, but I have to say that this stuff with the prisoners is terrible, but I have yet to hear a single Muslim leader apologize for 9-11, for the disfigured corpses of American contractors in Iraq, for Daniel Pearl, beheaded on camera for his wife and newborn daughter to (someday) see, or so on. Our President has apologized, and investigations will result in the punishment for those involved. Punish these idiots in our Armed Forces, but move on already. What they did was child's play compared to the horrors seen by prior regimes in Iraq. And to say that Rumsfield or Bush knew about it is asinine.
Your absolutly right, where does any of the countries, news media, people have any right to condemn us for any thing if they can't seem to do the same...I suppose one could come up with a word for it... Hypocrite....
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
Your absolutly right, where does any of the countries, news media, people have any right to condemn us for any thing if they can't seem to do the same...I suppose one could come up with a word for it... Hypocrite....
Can you please explain how you come up with the conclusion of "Hypocrite", and who do you apply it to?

I would hope the "news media" is not able to abuse/torture prisoners. Why would you think they could do the same?

I'll tell you why they have the right to condemn us. Its because we are imposing our ideals on them.

I dont give a rats hairy ass how they treat their women or how they treat their own people, I really couldnt care less. If they want to stone each other, kill each other, fine with me. If the iraqi's dont like being treated that way, let them sort out their own problems.

I dont have any right to tell another culture what they're doing is wrong. Just like they have no business telling us our culture is wrong.

So, if the U.S. wants to make itself out to be a bunch of self-righteous know-it-alls, then they better act the way they portray themselves.

I'm in agreement with the others that the way the prisoners were treated is wrong.

But, what I find even more offensive is that Bush told us we went to war to liberate the iraqi people from this exact type of treatment. Even though its a lie (we went to war for oil), you've still tried to sell the world on the fact sadam mistreated his people,and we were willing to go to war to stop it.

We've screwed up again, bigtime.

Dont be waiting up at night expecting an apology from terrorists...I know you're still trying to figure out what a terrorist is, but trust me, they wont apologize. Nor does anyone with an IQ over 14 expect them to.
Originally posted by Calif. Hunter:
I gotta run to a meeting with the boss, but I have to say that this stuff with the prisoners is terrible, but I have yet to hear a single Muslim leader apologize for 9-11, for the disfigured corpses of American contractors in Iraq, for Daniel Pearl, beheaded on camera for his wife and newborn daughter to (someday) see, or so on. Our President has apologized, and investigations will result in the punishment for those involved. Punish these idiots in our Armed Forces, but move on already. What they did was child's play compared to the horrors seen by prior regimes in Iraq. And to say that Rumsfield or Bush knew about it is asinine.

Different goals, so different expecations. Dubya's goal in the Middle East is to "win" their hearts, and build allies while "bringing Democracy" to the region. If you are trying to win people's hearts, you gotta be loved.

Bin Laden is not trying to win the hearts of American's, so no apology is necessary, in his view. In fact, just the opposite.

As for the other "Muslim Leaders", I think there have been statements of Outrage from many Leaders, some have been sincere, and some have been just window dressing to keep the Dubya administration happy.
Originally posted by Nemont:
You know I wish I could have just deleted that one. I can't imagine a situation where any state could donate to a presidential election. I wonder where Ann Richards is when you need her? She could have a least came up with a snappy line about that donation.


YOu know what is funny with both of these lists of donations is that Dubya's doesn't add up to the $200 Million he is raising, nor does Kerry's add up to the $150 Million being raised. Neither one of them is being truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuthful...

As to Kerry's lack of Conservation groups funding his campaign, I don't think a 503C can donate to candidates with charitable proceeds. And besides, right now, using the Law is a much cheaper way to get access, than trying to buy elections... ;)
All I see, is Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >
Not to back track, as this discussion is interesting in its progression.
Gunner, McCain is a liberal, and has been for years. Look no further than "McCain/Finegold", a bill that bans contributions from conservative sorces, and allows them from liberal sorces.
I think the difference is whether they gave directly to the candidate or to the party. Although it may just be fuzzy math. I should have checked the date on them. I think the figures were current as of Jan. 04. Think about all the $$$ (a Billion by one estimate) being spent to have a job which pays $238,000 of course when you are already a Multi Multi Millionaire a little income like that doesn't matter. The power you wield would be worth it though.


P.S. any idea what, copyright BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, means?

If they were Jan-04 numbers, I am surprised Kerry's were so high at that time, or so they appeared higher than Dubya's.

I think the absolute amount of money flowing around is such, that the Founding Fathers could not anticipate it.

Look at the Bush family, rich New England family, with two Presidents, and possibly a 3rd in the family. It is almost like a Royal Family in the US. Kind of what our Founders hated, and wanted to make sure never happened, instead, we might end up with our own Royal family, completely isolated from the People they Rule.

And it turns out that we now elect Figure Heads like Dubya, and the real work is done behind the scenes by the likes of Wolfowitz, Ashcroft, and Cheney.

As for the "Copyright..BLAH BLAH BLAH... >", my guess is that he is having his Mental Menstrul Cycle, and we are once again subjected to the disgusting discharge. :eek:
Look at the Bush family, rich New England family, with two Presidents, and possibly a 3rd in the family. It is almost like a Royal Family in the US. Kind of what our Founders hated, and wanted to make sure never happened, instead, we might end up with our own Royal family, completely isolated from the People they Rule.
Does this apply the the Kennedys as well??

I would be real surprised if Dubyas brother was to ever get the nomination. I think the next rep to watch (at least me wishfull thinking) will be John Kasich.
I think we came close to that with the Kennedys, but I think the Bush's have ruled more people, directly, than the Kennedys. The Rockefellers would be the other name that jumps to mind in the last half of the 20th century.

I would think Jeb would be up for it after 2012...
Why isn't it that you don't put your hat in the ring and run for the position, you seem to figure you have all the answers and can save the world. :rolleyes: Put your money where your mouth is and lets see you produce some thing besides piles and piles of Bear Sh!t around Moosies bait sites.... :rolleyes: other wise, you are just giving lip service and wasting your time....Wait, that is what you are doing... ;)

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