Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Tule Elk

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
Here is Jorge's tule elk, taken last week on private land, north of La Panza and the Carrizo Plains National Monument. He saw a bigger one, but it looked just like a Rocky Mountain elk and he wanted something more "tule-looking." He liked the basket-looking crowns on this one and the bit of palmation it has.

Nice bull! Tough to get a tag for those critters. How many years had he been applying?

Did he have an in with the landowner or did he pay a trespass fee?

Congrats to Jorge
He cheated and paid a fee to a landowner in the Private Lands Management program. He claims to have seen about 200 elk in 5 days - given the small numbers of tule elk, that's really good!

I keep on putting in for the Grizzly Island hunt. Maybe I can get my brother to send me a digital picture of his tule elk bull mount. He got drawn 10 or 15 years ago for that hunt. It was, and may still be, a pretty controversial hunt - I helped him on that hunt since I lived a few miles from Grizzly Island and trained my dogs there. We had to run a gauntlet of Highway Patrol and Game Wardens on the one lane road out there, as there were hundreds of protestors due to coverage in the San Francisco papers about the hunt. There were even guys in scuba gear trying to swim up the sloughs with air horns to scare the elk. Then we had to haul the elk whole to an area fenced in and blocked off from view so that no one could take pictures of us gutting and cleaning the elk. The staff came out with a flat bed trailer and a winch once we got the elk to an area they could reach.
Calif. Hunter, you and me both keep putting in for the Grizzly Island hunt... one of these days one of us oughta pull a tag. I remember that antihunting protest and I think I still have a newspaper clipping naming all the knuckleheads who got hauled off to the slammer while trying to stop that hunt. Anything for 5 seconds of fame. The same bunch that breed like little subversive rats and are always trying to save the world like Ghandi, run their Lexus sedans in thousands of deer while living in their half million dollar homes in suburbia that used to be a mule deer wintering ground. After running over, starving and displacing so much wildlife, I can only guess that it must really be worth it to get tossed into prison while trying to "save" one elk.
It was because of that particular protest that the fine for intentionally disrupting a state-mandated hunt was increased to make it very unappealing to anyone else who wants to interfere with a state approved hunting season. Every animal protection-racket agency in North America is trying to get it repealed. P.S., Nice bull.

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