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Trail cam for trailhead thieves


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2010
Bozeman, MT
We are getting quite a few break ins at area trailheads. Are there any good webcams out there that might be good for monitoring the cars going in and out?
Hate that this thread is necessary, but watching for ideas.

I've thought about bringing my regular trail camera to monitor my truck at backcountry trailheads, but would need to hang it high (and then hide climbing sticks in case they then feel the need to break into the truck to get the climbing sticks to get the camera that has the footage of them breaking into/vandalizing the truck :rolleyes: ) or hide it well enough to keep it and any proof from being stolen as well.

The most foolproof may be the "cellular trail cameras", those that text/email you photos as they are taken. I think most have to be on a plan with a carrier though. Main benefit being that even if they see and steal the camera, the proof you need doesn't go down the road with them.

There are wireless options that stream as they record, but battery life sucks. Also, there are also motion activated sensors that can be added to GoPro's, but they are very pricey.

Anybody else have a strategy they employ?
I like to put two basic trail cameras up around my truck. Hide one low and high. I like the internet yeti cooler guy who got tired of thieves stealing coolers so he super glues razor blades under the handles. Just dont forget you did that!
At Trailheads I think you're going to be limited to trail cameras. So put cameras out obvious or hide them? The "wireless" need cell signal, so that is a issue at your particular trailhead. If your cellphone has signal there, you would know if camera would work there. You could also buy the "bear proof boxes" that the cameras go into. Some have a chain connected to the box to padlock onto tree or post, others get screwed into tree first and then the box gets locked up. I'd maybe even put it out obvious so that they see it, to deter them. They might think if there's one camera, there might be more. But..criminals aren't smart. Think of putting the camera a 100-200 yards down the road from the parking area. They won't think of looking for cameras in those areas, they're only thinking right where the vehicles are parked. Just angle the camera so that You catch the plate number coming or going. Don't just put it perpendicular to the road.
Today the razor blade deal will get you in big trouble. 30 years ago in Oregon we all owned jet sleds with 7.5 kicker motors. Lot of them were being stolen at the coast in front of our motels. My buddy got a brand new 7.5 Merc and put single edge razor blades under duct tape along the turnbuckle handles. Woke up the next morning with blood all over and the motor was still there. He would be in jail for that today. I think a motion sensor wired to a camera in the truck might work best.
Today the razor blade deal will get you in big trouble. 30 years ago in Oregon we all owned jet sleds with 7.5 kicker motors. Lot of them were being stolen at the coast in front of our motels. My buddy got a brand new 7.5 Merc and put single edge razor blades under duct tape along the turnbuckle handles. Woke up the next morning with blood all over and the motor was still there. He would be in jail for that today. I think a motion sensor wired to a camera in the truck might work best.
That was illegal 30 years ago too, but I've thought of rigging a purse to spray bear spray when opened even though it might result in an assault charge.

Is there a particular model of trail cam that is inconspicuous?
put a trail cam on video mode high in a tree. I run trail cams in arizona and always put them up high. haven't had one stolen in 10 years. I bring 8-10 screw in climbing steps and just take them all out when i'm done. when i check the cameras i just screw them back in and climb up to check it.
put a trail cam on video mode high in a tree. I run trail cams in arizona and always put them up high. haven't had one stolen in 10 years. I bring 8-10 screw in climbing steps and just take them all out when i'm done. when i check the cameras i just screw them back in and climb up to check it.

That's a good idea. I even have strap on ladder steps for a tree stand.
Trail cams are cool and all, but there is about a 99% chance the cops wouldn't do squat, or look for the theif. They won't even do it here for home security systems and break ins. Break ins at trailheads have been very common here for decades. Best course of action is to not leave anything valuable or dont care if its stolen in your vehicle.

All you'll end up with is cool pics of someone stealing your stuff. The cops have better things to do than look for a $400 cooler. YMMV.
Trail cams are cool and all, but there is about a 99% chance the cops wouldn't do squat, or look for the theif. They won't even do it here for home security systems and break ins. Break ins at trailheads have been very common here for decades. Best course of action is to not leave anything valuable or dont care if its stolen in your vehicle.

All you'll end up with is cool pics of someone stealing your stuff. The cops have better things to do than look for a $400 cooler. YMMV.
Well, I know for a fact that the sheriff is quite interested in putting an end to this, but not leaving your stuff in the car is certainly the most pragmatic.
Well, I know for a fact that the sheriff is quite interested in putting an end to this, but not leaving your stuff in the car is certainly the most pragmatic.

Sadly... the police chief here, says the exact same thing. I may be jaded, because its been an epidemic here for the last 6-7 years and it has only gotten worse. I think we're finally number one per capita for car thefts.

Up here, if you don't want it stolen, keep it where it will be less likely to be stolen... at home locked up. I don't' even leave stuff sitting around outside my house that I don't want stolen, and I live out of town in a decent neighborhood, with a dozen cops/troopers/FBI living within 1/4 mile of me... cars get stolen out of peoples driveways, stuff out of their yards/cars, their sheds, their houses, you name it. Everyone has security cameras, and the losers rarely get caught even with good video footage. All they need to do is wear a hat, and you can't see their face.
Interesting to read that Bambi. I know a guy who lives in Fairbanks who had his vehicle stolen last year.

I think it may be cool to let someone steal something that unbeknownst to them has a GPS tracker in it. You can get pretty tiny ones for 20-50$ online. Follow them back to their house. Burn it to the ground.
put a trail cam on video mode high in a tree. I run trail cams in arizona and always put them up high. haven't had one stolen in 10 years. I bring 8-10 screw in climbing steps and just take them all out when i'm done. when i check the cameras i just screw them back in and climb up to check it.

Hey AZ, this is off topic but if you can, clear out your inbox a little bit. I tried sending you a PM but it says you have too many messages.
I think it may be cool to let someone steal something that unbeknownst to them has a GPS tracker in it. You can get pretty tiny ones for 20-50$ online. Follow them back to their house. Burn it to the ground.

Enroute to Alaska for a hunt last fall, we had our truck broke into in Canada, and most all our hunting gear swiped. In my pack was my Garmin Inreach. The thieves were dumb enough to use the inreach, even using each other's names' in the text. We had home address, times, and names, and the police still wouldnt do anything. Very frustrating.
I've had coolers stolen just outside my tent multiple times.
Gun in hand...Did not shoot due to legal ramifications.
Do I shoot a thief?
Teenagers after Beer.:cool:
Am I the only person who winced when they read about the razor blades? Made my toes curl lol
Enroute to Alaska for a hunt last fall, we had our truck broke into in Canada, and most all our hunting gear swiped. In my pack was my Garmin Inreach. The thieves were dumb enough to use the inreach, even using each other's names' in the text. We had home address, times, and names, and the police still wouldnt do anything. Very frustrating.

That's ridiculous and a real bummer.
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