The difference of a Republican and a Democrat


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Posted by Elkhunter in the Jokes section. I thought it was so good I figured I would put it down here for a little added humor to this otherwise serious area of the site...LOL...

The Difference Between Republicans and Democrats:
A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Republican gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.

The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the Republican's pocket and got out twenty dollars. He kept 15 for administrative fees and gave the homeless person five.

Now you understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

That was good.......and correct.

Die hard REPUBLICAN here
No, they are not Libertarians, they just see the truth and can't say any thing against. This one hits it right on the head!!!
I thought it was funny too...but look at Bush, he claims to be a Republican but he acts like a Democrat! Like giving all that money to Africa and wanting to give amnesty to all the illegal aliens. So to me they're all the same. All politicians are morons.
I can understand the giving of the money to Africa, AIDS started there , it might be the best place to look for a cure, doesn't mean I necessarily agree with the hand-out but I can see a logic to it.

The Alien thing I deplore , but our ol' buddy Hillary has a solution
National ID card (that'll stop them) .

And yes the lines between Dem and Republican are blurring but once the next election cycle draws near the lines will become more focussed. Hopefully the rest of the Republican party watched what happened here in IL. The Repubs acted too much like Democrats and got their a$$es handed to them in the elections, no one could really see the division lines anymore. The Governors corruption didn't help but wasn't an insurmountable problem.
Someone predicted a long time ago that the politician who would get elected would be the Democrat who was most like a Republican or the Republican who is most like a Democrat. If you think about it, that's pretty accurate. Extremes in either direction will not have sufficient support from the other side to win anything. It's the "almost" middle of the road politician who always wins. (Well, with the exception of Slick Willie who pimped his way to the White House).

There isn't a clearly defined majority either way in this country, sufficient to make a hard line conservative or a hard line liberal President. That is probably a good thing. Now there are things about GW that I am not fond of. There are things about him I like a lot. In any case, he is a much better choice than Ol' Internet Al would have been. The thing that really bothers me is that the men who would make a really good President are too smart to take the office. I wonder why that is??

As Old Ross put it, its like climbing into a metel drum and giving every one a stave to beat on it with!!! That would be my guess!!!

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