Super Tags

That is awesome for your son! I wish him the best of luck. Take lots of pictures from here on out with range/rifle work, scouting, and hunting. Print up pictures and put it into a VERY NICE photo album when the season has concluded. He will treasure that for a lifetime! I would also take those pictures to someone who does that sort of thing and have them put them on a CD and a thumb drive set to music.
Here are my super tag chances. :mad:

Deer - 266
Elk - 334
Moose - 1033
Goat - 2226
Sheep - 16645
Well guys, I have been one of those hunt talk "creepers" who has been lurking on this site for a few years reading everyone's posts but never having much to say. Long story short I got home tonight and there is a message on my answering machine from the FWP licensing chief asking for my son to call him at his earliest convenience, my son is 12 years old. I quickly looked up his drawing status and there it was! My 12 year old son has drawn the 2017 Moose super tag! I'm not going to get much sleep tonight and will be looking forward to calling FWP in the morning. He also drew a 590 rifle bull permit this year, I'm thinking I'm gonna need a bigger freezer!

That's incredible! I hope he realizes how unique an opportunity this is.

Keep us updated on how it goes and what your strategy is. Lots of good units between Butte and Idaho to choose from.
At the expense of sounding stupid, can someone explain what the super tag "closest unsuccessful chance highlighted in red" means? I don't get it?? can't be that hard to understand can it?

* Closest unsuccessful chance is highlighted in red
- 1 chance purchased (EL00006652-3563))
You can buy more than 1 ticket for the super tag for each species, as many as you want actually. In your case you bought one ticket, it was ticket number 6652 and you were drawn as number 3,563. Only the person that draws number 1 gets the tag. It may be confusing because you only bought the one ticket so of course that is your closest successful chance. H

Here is what mine looks like for deer, with 2 chances. My closest chance was #246.


I always wonder what the total number of people that apply is. FWP used to release that info but I have not seen it for many years.
Congratulations to your son, he will remember that hunt his entire life. My son got OR premium elk tag in Powers unit, chance was 1/680, not bad.

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