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Squirels in "Rut" ??


New member
Dec 21, 2003
Naples, Fla
Yup! That's right, squirels go into rut just like deer. According to an article in American Hunter. Just thought I'd share this as I never heard of this and now I have a picture in my mind of a little squirel w/ antlers running around.
Yup, its true, and they should be in rut about now. I have seen many male squirrels chasing one female. Its hilarious. The females make a clucking sound and it brings the males in. I have never seen them mate. The female runs and the males follow almost exactly in her footsteps. The whole time that dang clucking is gone on. Last year, I watched 8 males after one female. I almost fell outa the stand laughing. If she would get to far ahead she would slow down.
Squirrel rut is an awesome thing! My Dad and I managed more than one "double" during the rut in our squirrel hunting days. I've never seen them mate, either...they must do it indoors.
This is really a cool phenomenum. I set out little tiny drip canisters with squirrel in rut scent and they come flocking to it. I had one this past fall get lucky on my wife's garden bench so many times, I had to scare them off.
True Story -
My boyfriend had a pair of binoculars on the back porch and his little girls were looking through them (ages 5 & 7) and the converstaion went like this:

7 yr old: "Dad I see a squirel"
5 yr old grabs binocs & says "I see it too! Dad, what's the squirel doing making that noise?"
Dad: "I think he's calling his friends"
5 yr old: "Dad I think his friend came"

(you got the picture yet

Dad grabs the binocs away from the 5 year old and says: "Ya I guess his friend did come!"

7 yr old: "What's the one squirel doing to the otherone?"
Dad: "I don't know come on let's go inside"

I sat there busting a gut!
do you think you can rattle and grunt them in at that time??
Heck Smitty, Rocky's in the rut 24-7!!!!!!

Gues what? I'M OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The blood results came out really good so I don't need the second operation!! They sent me home today @ 3:00pm with a carry around IV line with antibiotics that I will need pumped into me around the clock for 6 more weeks! Sucks! Oh well, I'm home and alive! I see the BB is down for awhile. Thanks for checking up on me, really appreciated!

Nice mess of bushytails Meathead. How many shots did it take to get them?

Hey GLW, glad to hear your doing OK. We was all worried about ya. Keep up the good work and tell Mrs. GLW thanks for the updates.
Thank you!! I feel much better but hate this line in my arm! Oh well, could have been worse! Count my blessings!!

Just today we had what was obviously a female in heat outside the break room window...several of us sat and watched at no less than SIX squirrels chased and fought themselves ragged while one sat in the top of the tree and watched. As soon as one would come out on top and climb up to claim his prize, she would fly back down the tree and get them all stirred back up again.
I told that boy not to go showing off! Rocky, get your butt back into yer own neck of the woods and stay by the bar!
From the looks of Rocky...he is faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomoive, and able to leap tall oaks in a single bound. SUPERSQUIRREL

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-15-2004 08:35: Message edited by: Whiskers ]</font>
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