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Spring Bear Permit

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
WH got drawn for a Spring Bear Permit in the Capital Forrest near Olympia Washington. The season starts on April 15th...

We do not have a lot of knowlege about bears and me especially.

Anyhow got a few questions....

Do bears come out in the rain??

Does anybody have any tips of hunting bears in Western Washington???

Is there any tips at all you can give us???

She sounds kind of self-absorbed. Probably doesn't want to hear how WH's day went when he gets home.....
:D You guys are funny...and Nut you make a good point. ;)

I've got a good book on bear hunting, it's one of those that the North American Hunting Club puts out, I've had it for probably 15 years, and I'm just now reading it again for the 2nd time. It's got some pretty good information. This hunt is basically a damage control hunt. The unit is 90,000 acres of mostly state-owned forest, and of course being in western Washington it is very brushy and will not be easy to hunt (especially since the voters outlawed hunting bears with bait several years ago) |oo

So anyway like I said before my friend is a wildlife biologist with the DNR and hopefully he'll be able to help me out some. I'm having lunch with him tomorrow. I just want an idea on where to begin my scouting, especially with the price of gas being so high; I can't afford to be driving around up there in my gas-guzzling truck every weekend. From what he has told me already, the bears are feeding on 9 to 18 year old fir trees, and this is the reason for the hunt. He suggested finding areas where they are doing this and setting up on a trail coming out of the bigger timber into the reprod. This sounds like a good idea but still I am hoping I can find some newer clear cuts with better visibilty that bears may be feeding in. I have heard bears graze on green grass a lot in the spring, so I am going to be looking for areas with a lot of grass. Also my brother has a new electronic call, and he wants to go out with me and try to call one in with either a rabbit in distress or a fawn in distress call.

Whatever happens it'll still be a good learning experience and a lot of fun. I've got 3 weekends to scout before the season opens so I've gotta get busy! hump
Id try to find as many clear cuts as possible on your scout trips then hunt em hard. One thing, dont just walk up to a clear cut, glass it and say theres nothing in it. Glass it for a while cause they could be in there not moving around. You can glass for a while then all of a sudden youll see a head or something or bushes moving. Just a couple hints for ya. Im not a expert but my cousin has it down pact. Been learning from him.
BinBandB4 said:
She sounds kind of self-absorbed. Probably doesn't want to hear how WH's day went when he gets home.....

Wow is this guy really banned again after just a few post... WHo is this Guy???

For your information WH talks and talks and talks..... I listen so KMA :D I am far from Self absorbed, sometimes WH slacks on doing stuff and I was asking him questions the other day he could not answer so I posted..... I was just trying to HELP

used to see a few bears on e line also try the beaver ponds at the head of sherman valley road by fall creek campgrond. good luck.
Wildcat, first of all welcome to Hunt Talk! Your first post and you're trying to help me out...I'm honored. :D

The E Line is actually where I am planning on concentrating my scouting, at least at first. I spent last Saturday and Sunday driving around up there, the weather was too nasty to even think about getting out of the truck. Didn't see any sign of bears but I'm thinking they may not be out of their dens yet, or if they are maybe they're just not real active.

The E Line is the closest to where I live anyway, so hopefully I'll find some sign of bears soon. If not, I'll check out the other spot you mentioned. How long has it been since you spent time in Capitol Forest? Did you live over here at one time?
Actually I don't know who he was. And I'm guessing he didn't get scared, if so, they don't belong anyways ;)

Good luck on your hunt ~~~~
I used to live in olympia. grew up hunting grouse and deer up there. also logged and trapped up there. I was up off e line last year shooting trap off one of the landings.
You have to be careful where you shoot trap up there. I was up there last year shooting clay pigeons and I got ran off by a Sheriff Deputy. He was a major a-hole; I couldn't believe he thought it was unsafe to shoot into a clearcut with a very steep hill and timber as a backstop with a 20 gauge and 7/8 oz of 8's.:confused:
WH first off congrats man.
My first pointer I would give to you is contact the logging companies in the area to see where they are working and head in there and chat with the loggers to see how many bear they are seeing on a daily basis.It seems like the loggers always get their Deer Elk and Bear every year while out in the woods.Also I would contact the game bio in the area they help out alot,I know they do over east for whitetail.
Hey if you could lemme know if you see any Turkeys down in there PLEASE.
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