Spotting Scope Covers


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2012
Southwest Idaho
I truly hate my neoprene cover that came with my Vortex Viper spotting scope. I went to put it on tonight and said screw it, it was too much of a PITA. I guess I'll just take it out in it's birthday suit. Anyone else even worry about putting covers on? I'm all over a FHF cover when they become available...but until then, I'll have to make due.

By the way it's a straight model...if anyone has any aftermarket covers they want to share links to, thanks.
I'm with you. Mine is angled--mistake as truck window isn't low enough. Objective cover (on short string) flops in wind shakes image--gotta fix that. Design engineers need to use this stuff! Gonna make/get a zipper bag and stuff scope and window mount in it.
I don't like that mine is "heavy", but I'm glad its on there, when the wind tips it over in a rock pile.
try optics planet online and see if they have a neoprene one that fits your model. I put one on mine a few years ago to keep it from getting dinged up when I knock my tripod over with a foot or a knee and for riding on the dash when cruising around in the truck. Scopecoat might make one as well.

IMO it's worth a few bucks to protect it if you have a nice spotter